stranger getting in your car dream interpretations

Are you ready to uncover hidden and forbidden meanings of your dream about stranger getting in your car? Click and reveal mysterious and secret meanings of dreaming about stranger getting in your car by interpretations of the dream's symbolisms in various cultures.

Short meaning: a dream of stranger getting in your car may purport pleasure, respect and sociability.
Complete meanings of the stranger getting in your car dream's symbols

Bus Driver / Bathtubs / Athlete / Arm / Castle / Breast Feeding / Butterfly / Chess / Cherry / Candle / Peel / Links / Employment / Disease, Epidemic, Infection, Mumps, Cyst, Cold, Measles, Ringworm, Tumor, Ulcer, Smallpox / Cedar / Capture / Hell / Job / Muffins / Leprosy / Learning / Camphor / Greasy pole / Engagement / Dusk / Doll, Dolls / Diploma / Fatness / Fire / Get up /

Bus Driver

If you dream of the bus driver, then such dream indicates the dominant aspects of your personality. You are the leader of the situation. On the other hand, the dream could indicate your tendency to follow someone in your life. You are unable to be on your own. If you are the bus driver, then it means you are being too fast in your daily life. Perhaps you should wait for things instead of getting them so fast. Try to be more patience. If you are the school driver, then it means you learn from your own mistakes and taking the lessons very well. Perhaps there are certain things in your life you still must learn a lot….Read more…


The bathtub is the symbol of relaxation, tranquility and independence. If you took the bath in a dream, then such dream could represent the tiredness you are suffering from. Perhaps the unconscious mind of yours is calling out for rest. Make sure you find some time for yourself. The bathtub could also recall the necessity for independence. Perhaps you feel that you need to stay on your own for a while. To give someone a bath, shows your affection to certain people and desire to take care of them. In a dream to see yourself drowning down in a bathtub, means that you are getting to some situation without thinking. The dream suggests you to think twice before making any decision.Read more…


If you see the arms in a dream, then such dream indicates the tender aspects of your personality such as sensitivity and goodness. Perhaps you are the person who always help to others when its needed. Your loyalty and compassion to others will bring much joy at the end of the day. Alternatively, the dream could represent the necessity to pull yourself together and take care of your life. Maybe you lost the control of things that are happening around you, therefore you see your own arms in a dream, but they are in the state of stagnation. Make sure you pay enough attention to your own needs. If one or both arms are broken or injured in any other way, then it reflects to the outer disruptions that don’t let you stand up for yourself. If you lost any of your arms, then such dream represents something you lost and will never have it again. The arms of the other person indicate the relationship you have with that person. If you welcome that certain person nicely without any interruptions, then it means you are getting along with him. If you broke the arms of this person or saw it injured in any other way, then it means you will struggle to keep the pleasant communication with him. The arms of the children represent good intentions and innocence. To get more detailed interpretation of your dream, please also see the meaning of Hands….Read more…


Dreaming of an old and neglected castle suggests the opposite of the above including sentimental or marriage relationships. Dreaming about getting farther from the castle in which the dreamer used to live, suggests bad business and perhaps theft or loss. The basic meaning of a castle is simply vanity. Dreaming of living and enjoying a beautiful castle insinuates satisfaction of oneself for having achieved a remarkable prosperity that promises to be extended into the future.Read more…

Breast Feeding

If you dream of breast feeding, then such dream indicates the affection, motherhood and innocence. The dreamer is getting to the point of his life where the tenderness and security will surround you. If the man was dreaming about breast feeding, then such dream foretells about hidden sexual desires or the necessity for love and affection, which was received in childhood from the mother. The care which you will receive is also possible. To get more detailed dream interpretation about your dream, please also see the meaning of Nursing as it would give you much more of the explanation about your dream.Read more…


If you dream of seeing or being a butterfly, then such dream indicate the necessity to take things more serious. The butterflies are also the symbols of the dreamer’s imagination and creativity. They are also known as the ones that bring happiness and purity into everyone’s lives. Perhaps the dream shows that unconscious mind of yours is getting to the new way of thinking. If the butterfly has many beautiful colors on it, then such dream indicates the various and different joy experiences you are going to have….Read more…


The game of chess in dreams usually shows how the dreamer is getting the match in personal or professional life. The chess that you were dreaming of could also suggest you to think twice before making any important decision in your life. You must be careful and do not make any mistakes, because the consequences will be very serious.Read more…


The cherries are the good omen in dreams that represents the good luck and tenderness. The one who was eating the cherries in his dream is getting the best qualities of the life. Consider that cherry is also a sexy symbol that often relates to the prelude of the sexual experience. The dream, in which you see the cherry tree denotes to new beginnings, sexuality, juvenescence and good fortune.Read more…


If you dream of the candles, then such dream indicates the upcoming happiness, harmony and tranquility in your life. The candles could also indicate the stable state of your life where you feel safe and secure, but also trying to find the spiritual aspects within yourself. If you lit the candles in a dream, then it shows the wisdom and understanding you gained. You are acknowledging the people and situations in your life just the way they are. The candle that is unlit denotes to the frustrations and dissatisfaction. Perhaps you are not using all of your powers and abilities. To dream about candle blow out, denotes to the disappearing aspects within your personality. Perhaps you are leaving your past behind and letting some things go. If the candle has burnt completely, then such dream indicates the apprehension of death and ending. Maybe you are afraid of getting old and losing the shinning youthfulness you always had? The candles could also represent the romantic aspects in your life, especially if the candle is red. The lightening that is created by candles brings the hidden passion, affection and harmony. Perhaps you are looking for some love and affection, therefore the unconscious mind of yours is creating romantic candle lighted atmosphere.Read more…


This tree symbolizes a long life, either for the dreamer or for a project that you are making or have planned to start soon. Other authors also indicate that just seeing the cedar tree, means you’re starting to stand out from others and if you see yourself getting close to the cedar means you’re recovering your illusions….Read more…


Dreaming that is getting dark and the night is coming, indicates that there is dissatisfaction and even some despair about the things you have already achieved. If there are shining stars in the sky, especially when the day is about to end, it indicates that you are disappointed and depressed despite of knowing that you have a bright future; you are skeptical in your own ability to success. Young lovers who dream of walking under the twilight, suggests that one of them will soon get sick and could even die.Read more…