snake running away from me. dream interpretations

Are you ready to uncover hidden and forbidden meanings of your dream about snake running away from me.? Click and reveal mysterious and secret meanings of dreaming about snake running away from me. by interpretations of the dream's symbolisms in various cultures.

Short meaning: the dream about snake running away from me. may evidence amenity, adulation and harmony (concord).
Complete meanings of the snake running away from me. dream's symbols

Snake / Running / Snake / Run away / Boa, cobra and snake / Asp (venomous snake aspis; reptile) / Running / Running / Snake / Snake / Running Brooks / Dragon / Cat / Alligator / Baby, Child / Bathtub / Fall / Hunting / Clouds / Junk / Bulldozer / Childbirth / Birth / Feet / Gorge / Monkeys / Canoe / Slope / Generator, Motor / Waterfall /


The dream, in which you saw a snake, represents hidden sexual desires the one has. Maybe you have suppressed wishes, which were not fulfilled completely. The snake is also a symbol of secrets and dangerous unknown places or people. Maybe there is a person around you who acts like a snake – keeps the distant from you, but can bite very deeply and poisonous. Consider that the dream in which you saw a snake could show the features of you such as the negative one and positive ones, for example your ability to be quite. If you caught the snake, it shows that you are very powerful and able to sonfront whatever the situation.Read more…


Dreaming of running in the company of friends or competitors is a sign of struggle for self-improvement. Dreaming of running alone indicates self-sufficiency to achieve everything you want. Dreaming of running to escape from dangers hints the proximity of dangers and problems but they will be resolved eventually. Dreaming that competitors in the race are fleeing, hints to not take risks in matters or businesses that are unsafe or unknown.Read more…

Boa, cobra and snake

The most frequent meaning is of a sexual nature, especially if the dreamers are young. It also symbolizes wisdom and healing power. Seeing a sleeping snake indicates that our instinctual forces are asleep. If it wakes up and wriggles without causing fear, it reveals desires of a spiritual evolution. Dreaming of snakeskin or seeing change indicates that a profound evolutionary change is coming. If poisonous snakes appear, it indicates fear to be in embarrassing situations.Read more…


If we beat other competitors, it promises material benefits and personal success. If our competitor in our race is an animal, it means victory, but we have to see the meaning of the animal to know about what we win. If we see a person is running, then it indicates unknown events. If it is about several people, then it represents disputes and quarrels. If they are armed, it announces insurrections, riots or wars.Read more…


Most authors believe that dreams in which this animal appears in, are talking about an impulse or structure of the unconscious that will keep affecting us in our mental stability until we finally face it. This is why it will be important to take into account the circumstances of the dreamer and the rest of the details that appear in the dream in order to have an accurate interpretation….Read more…


Dreaming about dragon represents your strong passions and secret desires. Red dragon symbolizes sexuality and intimacy. Blue dragon stands for intellect and wisdom. Green dragon represents hard working personality. Yellow dragon indicates the relaxation and freedom. Black dragon is an omen of dangers or anger. Brown dragon symbolizes wealth and all kinds of riches. White dragon means spiritual rebirth. Grey dragon shows blank emotions and character (the dreamer has a lot of options and can’t choose). Burning dragon is an indication of the troubles or burning passion for something, in either way, good or bad. To see dragon is flying at you, it signifies that something is coming in your life. See the meaning of dragon’s colour. If dragon is flying away from you, then condition or situation is going away. Example: black dragon is flying away – dangers are going away. To kill a dragon, means overcoming or losing something. If you kill blue dragon, then you need to learn more in order to get knowledge. If dragon is attacking you, then there aren’t any chances to avoid something, what is represented by dragon’s colour. If red dragon attacks you – you may get very intimate offer. If someone is attacked by dragon is attacking with fire, then it is your action’s representation. Burning dragon is spitting fire on person, that you know and have feelings on her/him, so this dream represents your burning passion or burning anger for this person. If you’re touching a dragon, it represents your accommodation with particular condition. To touch grey dragon in the dream, means that you don’t have worries about not being able to choose something. If you see eating dragon, then it shows that condition is going bigger. To see green dragon eats grass in the dream means that you…Read more…


To dream about a cat symbolizes bad luck if you don’t kill it, but in case you do, or if the cat flees, then it suggests that you’ll be successful in your affairs and will control your enemies. To dream that a cat attacks you suggests that your enemies will soon damage both your reputation and your economic values. To dream that a dirty and famished cat stands in the middle of your way suggests an upcoming grief and illness in your family. To dream that you see or hear a cat scratching the door indicates that your enemies are trying to harm you. If the cat rubs against your legs, it suggests that you’re surrounded by hypocrisy. When a woman dreams that she’s carrying and petting a cat, it suggests that someone is giving her negative advice about her emotional issues. If you dream that a spotted or yellow cat chases you, it suggests that you’ll meddle among intrigues and embarrassments that will end up harming you. To dream about a cat and a snake and that these animals have a friendly relationship is the worst dream and omen, and the best we can do is watch carefully around us to find out what can be upcoming. It is said that this dream in some cases suggests industrial, political or military espionage. The cat is a female symbol, both for its natural way of being and because it is a fussy little pet for many women, therefore, when a man dreams about cats it suggests the presence of women in a sexual sense. When a woman dreams about one or more white and beautiful cats is a warning that there are some selfish interests that are trying to harm her, but she’ll be able to end with those…Read more…


If you dream seeing an alligator, it indicates perfidy and guile. This dream could be a sign of taking the new chances which are ahead of you. It could also symbolize your capacity taking apart two different systems: spiritual side of yours and fundamental side of yours. The alligator could also symbolize the curing kinds and potency. When you see yourself running away from alligator in your dream, it indicates hidden fears and pain you are suffering from. What you should do is try to find the reasons why you are experiencing this pain, only then you will be able to set your soul free and live peacefuly with yourself and those around you.Read more…

Baby, Child

The newborn child symbolizes the beginning, the genesis or birth. Dreaming of a newborn child reveals a spiritual or mental metamorphosis happening. If this dream we have in the childbearing age it usually refers to the desired motherhood. The child as a symbol of childhood is a dream of regression, of running away to the past, to a world without worries and with home protection. The dreams in which we see ourselves as adults but in the landscape of our childhood will give us information we had forgotten and will facilitate the understanding of tensions and latent complexes. This dream may indicate a victory over complexity and anxiety. It is a step in the conquest of inner peace and confidence in ourselves.Read more…


To dream of seeing or taking a bathtub denotes to your will of running away from the daily routine. You wish you could shake of all the problems you are having. Maybe you’ve been working too hard in the last weeks or months and now the subconscious mind of yours gives you the signal to stop and relax. The dream could also represent your interest of relaxation. Maybe you are one of those people who likes from time to time pamper themselves. To see you or someone being drowned in the bathtub foretells that it is not the time for you to confront your fears. It seems that you thought you are ready to move on and face your fears, but consider to hold on for the time when you actually will be prepared. Try to move on step by step instead of rushing into any occurrences….Read more…


Usually involves feelings of insecurity, guilt or fear reflected in the dizzying sense when falling. If we interpret the dream as an omen, a fall from a low height means being unprotected, falling from a house or building means running away from the family, and falling by a push means the possibility of accidents.Read more…


When you are hunting in a dream, then such dream shows the search for satisfaction in some aspects of your life. Perhaps you are trying to satisfy the inner needs. The dream about hunting is also related to the sexual aspects of the dreamer, where he is trying to receive the attention from potential sexual partner. When you are hunting and kill any kind of the animal, then such dream suggests you to suppress your instincts. If someone was hunting you in a dream, then it shows the frustration and tiredness you are suffering from while dealing with all of the issues. You are too tired to run away from all of the hunting. When you see other people hunting in a dream, then it shows your wish to keep away some parts of your personality.Read more…


When you see the bulldozer in a dream, then dream indicate the fact that you were taken away from something in your life. Perhaps you feel you are unable to do things you wish to do. The other explanation of the dream suggests you to wipe away the things in your life that makes you feel uncomfortable. You should ask yourself what kind of things make you feel unhappy.Read more…


Be present at the birth of a child, joy and prosperity. If more than one child born, the success is proportionately greater. If dreaming of a miscarriage, then it means failure in projects. An unnatural childbirth denotes dangerous disorders. For a woman not in reality pregnant to dream of giving birth to a son, success complete in all enterprises. If a man has this dream, gain, riches and profit to be attained slowly. The dream of giving birth to a fish represents a child in feeble health. To dream childbirth of or giving birth to a rat, cat, snake or other monster, symbolizes the precursor of manifold disaster.Read more…


To feel as if someone were tickling the bottom of your feet, ruin to flatterers and parasites. See them bathed with odoriferous herbs, and essential perfumes ; honors and rejoicings on the part of sub- v ordinates. Bathe them yourself in the same manner ; fatigue, vexations, catarrhal affections, consumption. Wash in a basin or other vase, gluttony. To kiss the foot of any one, repentance, humiliating avowal, change in conduct. Have the feet lacerated, trouble and damage. Have light feet, or be engaged in dancing: joy, friendship universal benevolence. Feet to burn, the most disastrous omen imaginable. Have sore feet, solace beneath trouble, success in business. Have dirty and infected feet,’ tribulation, shameful maladies. ‘Have feet bitten by a venomous snake or other reptile, jealousy of mistress or lover….Read more…


Dreaming of distant monkeys usually refers to distant relatives or friends who are in a difficult moral situation and that will soon ask for advice or help. Dreaming of small monkeys, who are fidgeting nervously and climbing trees, suggests that there are hypocrites near the dreamer that are trying to hurt him or her, or to at least annoy the dreamer. Dreaming of monkeys that are nearby and that are shouting, moving and jumping, implies upcoming disappointments because of gossip and intrigue by fake friends. Dreaming of quiet and indifferent monkeys indicates that the dreamer suffers from a growing depression. Dreaming of monkeys, who are grabbing something and then running with it and eating it, is a warning that the dreamer could be a victim of robbery. Dreaming of monkeys that are looking directly at the dreamer, is like looking in a mirror that suggests that the dreamer does not have enough self-awareness (inferiority complex), which is causing problems. This dream is a warning to fulfill oneself and to re-evaluate life.Read more…


Dreaming of fishing in a small canoe that is sailing in calm waters indicates absolute dominance over oneself and therefore can manage and govern life and business with absolute success. Sailing in this same way but in company of a loved one, if both are single it insinuates that marriage might be close and if both of them are already married, it indicates a well-matched marriage and a happy home. When the canoe is sailing in dirty water it indicates that life and business will go from bad to worse or that social relationships will deteriorate. Dreaming of running water of any kind always indicates the present and immediate future, depending on how the waters look: clean and clear or dirty and muddy, calm or turbulent.Read more…