sky turning dark dream interpretations

Are you ready to uncover hidden and forbidden meanings of your dream about sky turning dark? Click and reveal mysterious and secret meanings of dreaming about sky turning dark by interpretations of the dream's symbolisms in various cultures.

Short meaning: dream about sky turning dark can make poise, allegiance and affection.
Complete meanings of the sky turning dark dream's symbols

Sky / Firmament, Sky / Sky / Heaven, Sky / Darkness / Fire / Light / Stars / Dusk / Moon / Sheets / Bed / Bread / Bed / Cigar / Key / Fire / Mill / Apocalypse / Grindstone / Key / Prince / Air / Flame / Serene / Stars / Constellation / Blue / Skywriting / Light /

Firmament, Sky

It symbolizes our aspirations and desires. If this is a night sky that indicates that we are in a stage of projects. If it is daylight, means that the time has come for the realization of these projects. If the sky is clear, it’s a sign that the coming days we will be calm. If it is cloudy, concerns approach. Very cloudy means serious concerns. Stormy foreshadows critical situation….Read more…

Heaven, Sky

To see in the heavens a moderate fire, pure and luminous ; danger to the country or to some high office in the State. See the heavens ablaze ; an attack upon the nation, plague, famine, desolation. From the side this fire falls will come the enemies or aggressors. Should this blaze jump about, extend itself or descend, the evil nature of the sign is magnified. The heavens sown with flowers, discovery of the truth. To ascend to the heavens, overwhelming honor. (See Stars, etc.)…Read more…


Dreaming that the environment is dark warns you about a possible fraud at work. Darkness is a synonym for ignorance, evil, death and fear of unknown things. If in a dream, the sun appears in the dark it means you will overcome your failures. If in a dream you feel confident in the dark, it indicates that you prefer not to know anything about certain things. If in a dream you’re looking for someone in the dark, it indicates that in real life you must control your temper, you have a tendency to lose your control. Dreaming that you’re lost in the dark means that you’re depressed or insecure….Read more…


Dream of light always symbolizes knowledge, revelation and clarity. Dream of a good lighting indicates self-confidence. Dream of a light that penetrates us and produce pain indicates a sense of discomfort and lack of confidence in ourselves. If in the midst of darkness a ray or a point of light appears, it indicates that hopes will appear. Dream of someone turning on the light indicates you will know things that are hidden. Dream of someone turning off the light indicates the opposite.Read more…


Dreaming that is getting dark and the night is coming, indicates that there is dissatisfaction and even some despair about the things you have already achieved. If there are shining stars in the sky, especially when the day is about to end, it indicates that you are disappointed and depressed despite of knowing that you have a bright future; you are skeptical in your own ability to success. Young lovers who dream of walking under the twilight, suggests that one of them will soon get sick and could even die.Read more…


If a young person dreams about the moon, it suggest that he/she is exploiting his/her age or romantic era, and that he/she is full of illusions, including love illusions. Overall, dreaming about the moon means that you’re acting very slowly and in a negligently way, and that will lead you to failures. In some cases, to dream about the moon indicates that you are not addressing your everyday problems because you ignore them, and such situation is leading you to make mistakes and to failure. When superstitious people dream about the moon, it generally means that a distant person is cursing them. This interpretation is only a consequence of their superstition and perhaps because they fear the dark. To dream about a full moon in a calm sky announces that your plans will be successful if you work with determination. To dream that the moon is somewhat opaque and surrounded with clouds suggests difficulties, particularly sentimental ones, at home or with others. Dreaming about an eclipsed moon announces diseases, perhaps epidemic ones. When a woman dreams with two moons, it suggests that soon she’ll break up with her lover because she’ll find out that there is another woman in his life. When a woman dreams about a red moon, a bloody moon, it suggests that she’ll lose her lover at war, a fight or an accident….Read more…


If the sheets are dismal, dark color, in bad condition or in a bed inside of gloomy and dark room, then it warns us of a possible disease that is lying as the symbol on those sheets. If the bed is empty, then it denotes to danger from someone close. Huge sheets indicates obsession for sexual issues. If the sheets are very small, then it brings disinterest on sexual issues. If the sheets are clean and well-arranged, then it indicates that we are in good terms with our partner. If the sheets are dirty and untidy, then it shows disagreement and unconformity. If the sheets are torn, that is a bad omen which foretells about divorce or widowhood. Very ornate sheets, refinement of love. If they are different from ours, new loves. To see unknown people sleeping on our sheets, danger and squabbles….Read more…


If the bed is gloomy, dark, and shabby or located in a dingy, dark room it’s a warning of a possible disease for whom is laying on it. If empty bed, then it means danger for someone close to us. A huge bed indicates obsession with sexual issues. If it is too small, means lack of interest in them. If the bed is clean and well groomed it indicates that we are right with our partner. Dirty and messy, means disagreement and dissatisfaction. A broken bed means divorce or widowhood. A very ornate bed means refinement in love. If it is different from ours, new loves. To see people, who we do not know, in our bed, means danger of squabbles….Read more…


The dream about bread usually brings the positive meanings, but it also depends on how dark or light the bread was, who was eating it and other circumstances. If the woman was eating the bread, then it means she will take care of the big family very soon. The dream, in which you were baking the bread could represent the great life or it could indicate the hunger of the dreamer. If you gave the bread to others, then it shows how good and generous you are to others. If you see or eat the bread that is fresh and has lots of nutrition such as seeds and nuts, then it means you will have great variation in your daily life. The white bread indicates the innocence and easy pleasures. The dark bread stands as the omen of wisdom and quality. If you gave some of the bread for poor people, then it means you will be appreciated by weaker people.Read more…


If the bed is gloomy, dark, in a bad condition, or located in a dingy, dark room, it warns that whoever is lying on it may have a disease. If it is empty, danger for someone close to us. A huge bed indicates obsession with sexual issues. If it is very small, lack of interest in them. If the bed is clean and well groomed, it indicates that we are good with our partner. Dirty and untidy, dissent and disagreement. Broken, divorce or widowhood. A much decorated bed symbolizes refinement in love. If it is different from the bed you have, then it shows new loves. Seeing people we do not know in our bed symbolizes danger.Read more…


Dream of losing one or more keys indicates the possibility of losing your job. On the other hand it indicates clarification of confusing attitudes and projection of new goals. Dream of opening a door with a key means you will enter a new situation. You must pay attention to the context of the dream, if the situation is good or bad. Dream of opening a door and entering a room where there is a person of the opposite sex means upcoming marriage. Dream of having a lot of keys symbolize a purchase of goods or knowledge, proportional to the number of keys in hand. Dream of having difficulty in turning the key in a lock means you will have some difficulties and obstacles in good situations. Dream of a broken key portends trouble and problems that will block the realization of a wish.Read more…


To have interaction at the mill or to encounter it or to see a mill, when you are dreaming, can be interpreted as symbolism of the inability to adapt. Maybe you don’t know how use information from your past. Are you able to learn from your experiences? Are you able to apply these experiences to current problems or situations? On the other hand, there can be different explanation. Alternatively, mill in the dream has meaning of turning around or changing poles. That means change, transformation or alteration in some situation or any relationship in your waking life….Read more…


Dreaming that you are turning a grindstone, has implication of wealth and prosperous life. Grindstone foretells your ability to use effectively your own vitality and well-directed energy for creation of better future. Your powerful talents will lead you or your family to prosperity. Dreaming that you are sharpening tools on a grindstone, stands as a symbol of true friendship. It means that you or your friends are at hand in the right moment to help each other. And they will always be here to lend a helping hand.Read more…


Opening a door using a key announces that we will enter a new situation, good or bad according to the context of the dream. To own a large bunch of keys symbols the purchase of goods or knowledge proportional to the number of keys in the bunch. Having problems turning the key in the lock promises that we will find difficulties and obstacles in obtaining what we want. A broken or lost key is an omen of trouble and problems that stop us from realizing our desires. To open a door and walk into a room where there’s a person of the opposite sex announces marriage….Read more…


A flame symbolizes the intellect. Dream of a flame means passion or frustrated love, also indicates a platonic love. The flame without smoke rising straight into the sky symbolizes the intellect and great intelligence. The flickering flame symbolizes the intellect, forgetting the spirit. Dream of feeling threatened by the flames denotes fear to face an activity or situation. Dream of advancing without impunity in the flames reflect a firm decision to overcome all obstacles.Read more…


Clear and brilliant, means prosperity, profit on a journey, good news, complete success. Sombre and pale, misfortune at its height. Shining into the house, danger of the death of the head of the household. Falling from the sky, fall of a great house. Falling across the roof, denotes sickness, abandonment of the house, incendiarism.Read more…


To see an arrangement of parts or elements or in the sky to see a constellation of planets, when you are dreaming, can be interpreted as suggestion that something in your life was apart, but now it is coming together. The situation in your life is going to become better, but in a complex way. Constellation also has the symbolic significance of a mental processes. You should consider what it is, that the constellation in your dream is describing or representing.Read more…


The dream may be talking to you about your desire for harmony and spirituality. Also about a stage of good health as when you look at the clear sky and you breathe deeply and you feel full of energy. However, some authors say that if the dreamer is a materialistic person a dream with the color blue may be a warning to the person of a danger or threat to their hopes of economic stability. Blue is considered the color of devotion.Read more…


Skywriting in the dream represents the spirituality of the dreamer. Dreaming about skywriting, has also the symbolic significance of the secret message, which refers to non material or religious content. Alternatively, the dream about the words in the sky, in the form of smoke trails made by an airplane, stand as a symbol of the connection and the union between spirituality and materiality. Skywriting in the dream means that the spiritual realm and the physical realm are joining together. Maybe you have been looking for the action of removing doubts or fears. Skywriting is the message from your subconscious, that foretells complete reassurance for your success in the future of your life.Read more…


Dreaming about a constant light of any kind, and better if its sunlight is a good sign that announces a nearby success. To dream about a flashing light is a negative sign that announces relative or temporary success. To dream about a dim light suggests that the issues that are being handled will continue the way they are, without any appreciable change. To dream about light flashes that annoy your view suggests that soon you’ll suffer setbacks and frustrations. To dream about exaggerated lit faces suggests that anything that you’ve thought to do will be made secretly. To dream about an extremely lit sky, without knowing the reason why it is that way, suggests that you’re falling in deep sorrow because you portend a misfortune. To dream about children that are standing under an intense moonlight is a warning that you should control your thoughts and actions to avoid making serious mistakes. To dream about very lit snakes is a warning that dangerous enemies are awaiting an opportunity to harm you….Read more…