red water in dream dream interpretations

Are you ready to uncover hidden and forbidden meanings of your dream about red water in dream? Click and reveal mysterious and secret meanings of dreaming about red water in dream by interpretations of the dream's symbolisms in various cultures.

Short meaning: the dream of red water in dream may allude to succor, admiration and good will.
Complete meanings of the red water in dream dream's symbols

Crossing / Wading / Evaporation / Dripping / Cockroaches / Pool / Fountain / Glass / Boat / Dragon / Ink / Tub / Ox / Bowl / River / Gorge / Fountain / Fountain / Flood / Bull / Dig / Wineglass / Tank / Spring, Fountain head / Drinking / Float / Diver, Swimming / Ablutions / Drinking / Breathe /


It means you have to access a different road and try to remove the obstacles. If you cross a street, the barrier is social. If we find a traffic light, it symbolizes civilized norms of coexistence. If you see the green traffic light, then it indicates that you have to start making changes now. The red traffic light red indicates that we should wait until some of the circumstances will change. If we cross the obstacle in open field, it will be internal order. If we cross a river and the obstacle is water, then it symbolizes your feelings and emotions.Read more…


If you are wading in the water, then such dream indicates the influence you have within your emotions. Depending on the state of the water, the dream is interpreted differently, for example if the water was very deep, then it shows that you have lost the control of your life. Make sure you rise up and managing the situation on your own again.Read more…


Dreaming about water fading away represents the release of feelings. Additionally, to dream that water is evaporating, indicates that you have skilful ability to understanding yourself. You are able to deal with powerful feelings and understand the reasons of your emotions. Alternatively, the change of water from liquid into a vapour symbolizes that you are experiencing a positive and encouraging transformation. You are elevating your consciousness to a new standards.Read more…


To dream that something is dripping, suggests that you are slowly losing your identity. Maybe something is sucking uniqueness out of you. It can be job or relationship, where you can’t evolve. Additionally, dripping means that you gently letting out your emotions. It means that you not letting out everything what you feel. Have you suppressed some feelings? Furthermore, dripping represents slowly vanishing spiritual will. Perhaps you are experiencing steady and annoying disturbance, which is unnoticeable and silent for others, except you. This trouble is affecting your consciousness and taking out step by step your well-being. Consider also what substance is dripping, what condition, color, smell this material has and how fast it is falling in drops. Also, think about what feeling gives the sound of falling drops to you. If the sound makes you nervous, then it represents how anxious you are or will be in forthcoming troubles. As internal stimuli, it can show illness in your psyche. As external stimuli, loud sound of dripping can represent actual drip of a leaking tap. If dripping was fast – the disturbance is going bigger or moving quickly towards you. As superstition, if drops in the dream have bad smell – expect something seriously unfortunate. To interpret colourful dream about soaking, please look into the meanings of particular color. If water was clean, then your dream represents losing spiritual enlightenment. If water was black or muddy, this symbol may refer to your health issues. Alternatively, if you sick right now, then such dream about slowly dripping or leaking black, dirty water, in specific circumstances, can represent healing process. Dreaming about dripping blood, means that something or someone is sucking out of you a lot of vital parts from your life: vitality and spirituality or money. If in the dream you…Read more…


Dreaming about cockroaches is not only unpleasant, but implies various risks and nervous diseases. Dreaming about a few cockroaches, hints that the dreamer will soon go through moments of shame and sadness. When there are many cockroaches it indicates that something serious is about to happen and the dreamer must be prepared, and must exercise self-control. Dreaming of crushing and killing one or more cockroaches and having them leave water instead of blood announces a prolonged illness. Dreaming of roaches climbing on a white wall and having hot water thrown at them, hints that the dreamer feels powerless against the disease that afflicts him. If the water thrown kills the roaches, there are many possibilities of relief, however, if the roaches are still alive and climbing the wall, the disease will follow its normal course.Read more…


A dream involving a large amount of water always represents emotions, and in the case of the pool it symbolizes a well-defined part of our lives and therefore we must pay attention of who is around us in the dream and our attitude towards them. If the water is clean, it indicates good hopes for our feelings, but if the water is dirty, it predicts tough love….Read more…


In general, everything of glass bears particular relation to females. To accept a glass of water, prompt marriage or birth of children. Break a glass without losing the water or its other contents, death of the wife, safety of the child. Lose the water without breaking the glass, death of the child, safety of the mother. Look in at a glass window, a precarious situation.Read more…


Sail in one upon the water, if the weather and water be clear and still, jollity, prosperity, and good success in undertakings. The reverse Is the case should a storm occur and the water be rough. A boat in danger of shipwreck warns the dreamer of some great impending peril if he be not at the time detained as a prisoner, in which case the dream* announces his speedy deliverance and safety.Read more…


Dreaming about dragon represents your strong passions and secret desires. Red dragon symbolizes sexuality and intimacy. Blue dragon stands for intellect and wisdom. Green dragon represents hard working personality. Yellow dragon indicates the relaxation and freedom. Black dragon is an omen of dangers or anger. Brown dragon symbolizes wealth and all kinds of riches. White dragon means spiritual rebirth. Grey dragon shows blank emotions and character (the dreamer has a lot of options and can’t choose). Burning dragon is an indication of the troubles or burning passion for something, in either way, good or bad. To see dragon is flying at you, it signifies that something is coming in your life. See the meaning of dragon’s colour. If dragon is flying away from you, then condition or situation is going away. Example: black dragon is flying away – dangers are going away. To kill a dragon, means overcoming or losing something. If you kill blue dragon, then you need to learn more in order to get knowledge. If dragon is attacking you, then there aren’t any chances to avoid something, what is represented by dragon’s colour. If red dragon attacks you – you may get very intimate offer. If someone is attacked by dragon is attacking with fire, then it is your action’s representation. Burning dragon is spitting fire on person, that you know and have feelings on her/him, so this dream represents your burning passion or burning anger for this person. If you’re touching a dragon, it represents your accommodation with particular condition. To touch grey dragon in the dream, means that you don’t have worries about not being able to choose something. If you see eating dragon, then it shows that condition is going bigger. To see green dragon eats grass in the dream means that you…Read more…


The ink in dreams announces good news, except in those cases when the ink pours or spills, if it happens so, then such dream announces discord. If the ink is black in dreams, then it foretells the imminent arrival of a family member or a friend that we value. If it is red, then it is a sign that our behavior could be misunderstood. If the ink is green, as in real life, it is a symbol of hope. Dreaming of seeing the ink stained clothes indicates the fact that there are slanders and intrigues around the dreamer. There is also a possibility of gossip you should be mindful about. This meaning is particularly serious if a young woman dreams about it. If you see yourself with ink on the fingers, then it shows that you are being jealous and if the ink is red, then it represents the risk of falling into serious problems for sentimental reasons. To dream that you are manufacturing inks, foretells that you will be engaged in matters that require a lot of paperwork. To dream about bottles full of inks, shows that your businesses are stalled for bureaucratic and selfish motives.Read more…


A faithful servant and a great assistance ; internal peace. See one very fat, means good times, felicity near at hand. Very lean, means scarcity of grain/famine in the land. Drive one, fatigue and hardship. To see white oxen at pasture, denotes honor, profit, dignity. To see a red one running wild, imminent danger. A black one mad, peril of life. See oxen at labor, inestimable advantages. See them without horns, disarmed enemies. Oxen fighting, commencement of intestine quarrels. See oxen going to water, a very bad omen….Read more…


To have interaction with full bowl, means pregnancy or spiritual rebirth. To see an empty bowl while you are dreaming, indicates refusal of deep inner emotions. Happy dreaming about bowl, has meaning of the womb and sense of security. Consider the condition of the bowl: is it broken or not; what color has bowl or what is inside bowl; and how it is treated or handled in the dream. These conditions may offer clues to you how to interpret your dream further by selecting other explanations of dreams: water, broken, brown, white or red and etc. If you can’t recollect additional information from your dream, then think how did you feel in the dream. If it was bad dream, then bowl may mean that you are being badly treated in a particular relationship….Read more…


Clear and tranquil – commonly a lucky omen, above all for judges, lawyers and travellers. Troubled river embodies personal disaster. The dreamer should take warning and not indulge with his parents or employer, and pay no attention to threats uttered against him. To dream of a clear river entering into your apartment, denotes a visit from a person of distinction who will treat you liberally and to your advantage. If dreaming of the contrary, the water is troubled and soils the furniture, then dream means violence, quarrels and depredations on the part of enemies to your house. The water going out of your chamber means outrages and danger to life and limb. To walk on the river – elevation….Read more…


The dreams in which a fountain appears highlight our hopes for regeneration, purification or initiation into the mysteries of life. If the fountain appears dry those hopes are vain, but if we can drink from it and the water is fresh and clean it will be a good omen that our emotional needs will be satisfied. Other authors warn of unsafe water from the fountain believing that in that case the dream will be harbinger of moral ruin.Read more…


It symbolizes the life force of man and of all beings. The dreams in which a fountain appears highlight our hopes for regeneration, purification or initiation into the mysteries of life. If the fountain is dry in dream it means all hopes are in vain. If we are prevented from drinking from it that means we still have to wait some time before those hopes become reality. If we can drink from the fountain and the water is clear and fresh it means all our needs will be fulfilled. If the water flows murky it means risk of moral or material ruin. If the fountain flows in our garden it’s the best symbol of prosperity in every way….Read more…


To dream about a great flood, and worse if the water is dirty, suggests that the dreamer and his/her family will face negative situations. To dream about people that are swimming in a flood, and are agonizingly trying to save their lives, suggests that the negative situations that are soon to come will affect many people (may be an economic crisis, epidemics, etc.). To dream about a flood but that its water is very clear, clean and calm indicates that the negative situations that the dreamer and his family are experiencing are mild and will soon pass.Read more…


This may mean that the subconscious of the dreamer is working perfectly and the dream gives the answer that she longs to receive. When you are dreaming of being pursued by a bull, but managing to protect yourself, (for example behind a platform, a tree or a house) then this could mean that although your problems in real life seem serious, in the end everything will be fine, because of intense work and attention that you put. To dream that a bull chases and injures a person can mean that due to problems the dreamer will suffer. When you are seeing many fat bulls grazing peacefully, then it symbolizes prosperity and tranquility. When a woman dreams of two bulls that are fighting, then it is a sign of a fight between two females who are willing to win some important matter in their waking life. The fighting bulls could be an omen of dangerous enemies that announces as a result of your own indiscretions. When you are dreaming about fat and meek bull (an ox, animal work), then it symbolizes that you will be head of the household soon, or others will depend on your work. To dream that several oxen eat in a rich pasture indicates well-being and great friends, but if the oxen are weak because the pastures are poor, then it may mean that the dreamer will have problems, difficulties and even poverty, which will alienate the dreamer from some of his friends . When you are dreaming of a dead ox, then it means mourning in the family, losses and failures. When you are dreaming of oxen drinking water in a stream of clear water, then it announces that you will have a comfortable future, without achieving riches, besides the love of those around you….Read more…


To dream that you’re digging suggests that in your real life you’re trying to hide something, what causes you psychological fears. To dream that you find something shinny while you dig the ground suggests that the results will depend on how you conduct your personal commitments. To dream that you’re digging mud suggests poor results in your affairs, and worse if the mud is pestilential. To dream that you’re digging and accidentally find a clean water well announces an upcoming success, but if the water is dirty, it indicates failures….Read more…


Dreaming of drinking water in a wineglass indicates that there are mistakes being made in certain activities, which ultimately will produce negative results. Dreaming of old style wineglasses suggests that the dreamer will probably receive attention and perhaps favors from strangers. When a woman dreams of giving drinking water to a man in a wineglass it insinuates wishes of illicit pleasure.Read more…

Spring, Fountain head

It symbolizes the life force of humans and of all beings. The dreams in which a spring appears, such dreams highlight our hopes for regeneration, purification or initiation into the mysteries of life. If the spring is dry it means that all our hopes are in vain. If we are prevented from drinking from it, that means we still have to wait some time before those hopes become reality. If we can drink from the spring and the water is clear and fresh it is an omen that all our needs will be fulfilled. If the water flows murky it’s a threat of moral or material ruin. If the spring is born in our garden it is the best symbol of prosperity in every way….Read more…

Diver, Swimming

Diving easily without fatigue portends that we will achieve both economic and loving success. If we suffocate, it tells us that our ambitions will vanish. If we save someone from drowning it means that we will avoid a dangerous passion for us. If we’re learning to dive, we doubt our will. Diving in clear water means that we are clear and noble. Swimming in shady water means passion with evil thoughts. If we’re diving and the sea or river infuriates and becomes stormy, then it shows that our passions are stronger than our will….Read more…


To dream that you are drinking water represents energetic vitality, refreshment of strengths, increasing spirituality. You have a purpose and any trouble in your way will be eliminated. Additionally, you are learning from your past and you will find resolution to any future issues. Alternatively, drinking of water suggest for you to care yourself more. To dream that you are drinking alcohol indicates that you are trying to escape from current period of your life. Alternatively, drinking of alcoholic beverages, which are delicious for you in waking life, means that you are seeking illusory and deceitful feeling of happiness, delight, or satisfaction. In specific, if you are drinking wine, it is often the reflection of the image from our religious culture. Drinking of any wine in the dream has symbolism of a divine power. Also, second meaning of wine is interpreted as induction of external stimuli, but you must dream particular sort or brand of wine. Then it means that you have huge affection to this kind of wines.Read more…


If your breath in a dream was hard, then it means you are suffering some negativity, fear or pressure depending on the circumstances in your waking life. If you saw yourself breathing while being under water, then such dream denotes to your connection with the mother and the times you were in the womb. Perhaps you are looking for some security, therefore you are hiding under the shelter. The dream of breathing under the water could indicate the lack of self trust, therefore you put all of the responsibilities to those around you. If you were holding your breath, then it means you are unable to make some certain decision. Probably you keep to our own opinion and do not let others to give the advice. If you dreamed of having difficulties while breathing, then it means you are emotionally wrecked and tired. Perhaps you need to take some time off to relax. The dream of having difficulty to breath could also be caused by the internal stimulus where you are having problems with breathing because of asthma or runny nose. The external stimulus such as the pillow could also cause these kinds of dreams.Read more…