neighbors house on fire dream interpretations

Are you ready to uncover hidden and forbidden meanings of your dream about neighbors house on fire? Click and reveal mysterious and secret meanings of dreaming about neighbors house on fire by interpretations of the dream's symbolisms in various cultures.

Short meaning: the dream about neighbors house on fire can foretell luxury, lust and intercourse.
Complete meanings of the neighbors house on fire dream's symbols

Bdild / Boudoir / Carpet / Mother / Mouth / Winding Sheet / Window / Brothel / Mansion / Thunder, Thunderbolt / Stream / Present / River / Scale / Society / Bird /


To dream of leaving your mother’s house ; a bad step whence you extricate yourself with difficulty, elevation in dignity. Of returning to it; return to your native country, if you have been away, reunion of relatives and friends. Dwell with her; peace, security. To see her, gain. Speak to her ; happy tidings. See her dead, peril in person or goods….Read more…


To have large, impressive house in the dream, means your big abilities, talents and skills. To see a mansion, when you are dreaming, has meaning of your latent qualities or abilities that may be developed and lead to future success or usefulness. Mansion is a symbol of potential growth. You may feel that your current position is in routine and you want to change this. Sometimes mansion represents a relationship, which is going to be changed.Read more…


Clear and tranquil – commonly a lucky omen, above all for judges, lawyers and travellers. Troubled river embodies personal disaster. The dreamer should take warning and not indulge with his parents or employer, and pay no attention to threats uttered against him. To dream of a clear river entering into your apartment, denotes a visit from a person of distinction who will treat you liberally and to your advantage. If dreaming of the contrary, the water is troubled and soils the furniture, then dream means violence, quarrels and depredations on the part of enemies to your house. The water going out of your chamber means outrages and danger to life and limb. To walk on the river – elevation….Read more…


If you hear or see birds in your dream, then such dream symbolizes happiness, balance, satisfaction and affection. One of the most common explanations of birds is freedom. The dream, in which the bird was attacking you, represents the fear of unknowingness and fresh start. Perhaps the dream suggests you to be braver and go for your goal. If the bird is descending, then such dream foretells about new insights and wisdom you have gained. If the bird flew into the house, then such dream represents the new things, activities or people that will come into your life. There is also a possibility of new love or relationships you will get yourself into. The bird that is blue could indicate the high spirits of the dreamer or it could show the sadness one is suffering from. The birds that are fighting in dream, shows the conflicts and fights in your surroundings. The bird that is dead in a dream foretells about crushed dreams and wishes. Perhaps you will be disappointed by important matter in your life. Birds that are flying in a dream show the lack of freedom in your own life. Maybe you wish to escape all of the responsibilities you have or you simply have too much pressure by certain people in your life. The flying bird could also indicate the sexual act, because we feel lifted while having it. If the bird left the nest in a dream, then it shows you are prepared to be independent. If you see the bird in the cage, then such dream foretells about the lack of freedom. Perhaps there is someone in your life that keeps you too close or the activities you do doesn’t give you enough freedom to express your capabilities. When you see the small bird…Read more…