neighbors house on fire dream interpretations

Are you ready to uncover hidden and forbidden meanings of your dream about neighbors house on fire? Click and reveal mysterious and secret meanings of dreaming about neighbors house on fire by interpretations of the dream's symbolisms in various cultures.

Short meaning: the dream about neighbors house on fire can foretell luxury, lust and intercourse.
Complete meanings of the neighbors house on fire dream's symbols

Firewood / Closing / Evacuation / Burn / Bedroom / Ants / Bees / Build, Building (Property, Skyscraper) / Bull / Funeral, Funeral rites / Knock the bottom out / Thief / Wedding / Window / Wood / Tablecloth / Swallow / Lightning / Lintel / Moving / New / Bride / Mare / Cupboard / Duel / Head / Marten / Conflagration / Children / Angel /


To dream that your house is on fire indicates danger, disease, or death. Dreaming that a commercial building is burning means decrease of wealth. Dreaming that a part of your body is burning is a sign of inability to engage in work. Dreaming of a burning piece of furniture in your home indicates personal conflicts. A dream of a burning building signifies that big problems are coming. Dreaming that something is burning slowly shows instability in romantic relationships.Read more…


Predict success and prosperity through hard work and teamwork. If bees make honey in our house, or our property, success and fortune are ensured. Being stung by a bee represents the existence of a danger to our reputation because of slander. Seeing angry bees attacking us signifies conflicts with partners, or that you are abandoning work because of the search for pleasures, which can bring misfortune and ruins. Killing bees is the worst dream, it indicates that the ruin is inevitable, and is near. Finally, see them on a flower is a symbol of a new love.Read more…


This may mean that the subconscious of the dreamer is working perfectly and the dream gives the answer that she longs to receive. When you are dreaming of being pursued by a bull, but managing to protect yourself, (for example behind a platform, a tree or a house) then this could mean that although your problems in real life seem serious, in the end everything will be fine, because of intense work and attention that you put. To dream that a bull chases and injures a person can mean that due to problems the dreamer will suffer. When you are seeing many fat bulls grazing peacefully, then it symbolizes prosperity and tranquility. When a woman dreams of two bulls that are fighting, then it is a sign of a fight between two females who are willing to win some important matter in their waking life. The fighting bulls could be an omen of dangerous enemies that announces as a result of your own indiscretions. When you are dreaming about fat and meek bull (an ox, animal work), then it symbolizes that you will be head of the household soon, or others will depend on your work. To dream that several oxen eat in a rich pasture indicates well-being and great friends, but if the oxen are weak because the pastures are poor, then it may mean that the dreamer will have problems, difficulties and even poverty, which will alienate the dreamer from some of his friends . When you are dreaming of a dead ox, then it means mourning in the family, losses and failures. When you are dreaming of oxen drinking water in a stream of clear water, then it announces that you will have a comfortable future, without achieving riches, besides the love of those around you….Read more…


Dreaming of open windows suggests that you suspect being spied on, which can lead to various problems. Dreaming of yourself entering a house through the window warns that you’ll be caught for committing a disloyal act. Often, it also predicts that we’ll undergo disputes and litigation that will be resolved against our benefit. If during the dream we see ourselves opening a window, it’s a sign which tells us that we can expect success, joy and peace of mind in our efforts. If we see it closed, sorrows and bad luck await us. Windows decorated with flowers represent peace and harmony at home. If in the dream, we see ourselves cleaning windows, it means we’ll receive help from unexpected people, which will make us overcome bad situations we didn’t know how to overcome. Overall, windows mean that we’re well established in our professional lives and that we’re respected and highly considered….Read more…


It symbolizes purity. To dream of swallows is an excellent harbinger of peace and happiness albeit with slight longing and melancholy. If they nest in our house it is an even better omen and extended to all members of the household. Seeing a swallow arrive foreshadows news of loved ones. Seeing it leaving indicates the brief departure of a member of the family.Read more…


Seeing a new house in a dream indicates that you gathered strength again and it identifies new projects. You try to be more mature emotionally about a few things. Seeing some new shoes in a dream suggests that you show off your success. Alternatively, you’re on a life path that is new and unknown. Dreaming about being in a new school means that you feel out of place in a certain situation. Generally dreaming about new things or new places resembles to something new in your life. You can try to learn and analyze what you already know from your previous experiences….Read more…


If you dream of the bride, then such dream could indicate the permanent aspects in your life. On the positive note, the bride is a symbol of innocence, new beginning, fresh start and family. Depending on how you felt during the dream, different dream explanations following it. For example, if you felt really bad, because you were the bride in a dream, then it shows the lack of freedom in your life and desire for independence. If you felt very good and happy while being a bride, then such dream shows your desire to commit and dedicate yourself for someone or something. If the bride walked out from the room or the house, then it shows the negative changes in your life, possibly even death. If you are left out at the altar while being a bride, then such dream indicates the disappointments in your waking life. The bride that is walking down the altar symbolizes happy family life.Read more…


Have one without body, liberty. Have one very pate and white joy. Wash your own, the departure of all danger. Have a negro’s head, a distant voyage, a commercial expedition. Have the head small means light or pointed feebleness of spirits, servitude, dishonor. Feel some one bathing your head, damage. To have the head larger or more elevated than commonly ; professional dignity according to the estate of the dreamer, gain of a lawsuit, triumph over adversaries. Should the dreamer, or whoever he sees in the dream, be engaged in commerce or banking, amassing of money; if he be an invalid, violent fever. Have the head swollen, riches and profit for the dreamer’s employers or superiors. Have the head of a wolf or other savage beast; complete success in all undertakings, competitors vanquished, the respect of fellow citizens. To have the headache, means loss of credit. Have two heads, society or association. To hold your head in your hands ; loss of wife or children, if the dreamer keeps house, otherwise, happiness und success. See a death’s-head; need of foresight, of precautions to avoid traps set for you….Read more…


The sight of one or make buildings burning, with a clear and pure flame, with mount violence, without sparks and without being consumed or burned, is to dreamers not gifted with over good fortune, a sign of honors, employments ant dignities, But a flame obscure, violent, shedding sparks, consuming the house, announces great adversities to the dreamer, such as penalties, lawsuits, disgrace, misfortune, rum and unforeseen death.Read more…