long jump dream interpretations

Are you ready to uncover hidden and forbidden meanings of your dream about long jump? Click and reveal mysterious and secret meanings of dreaming about long jump by interpretations of the dream's symbolisms in various cultures.

Short meaning: dream of of long jump might indicate assuagement, inclination (desire) and favoritism.
Complete meanings of the long jump dream's symbols

Long / Jump / Jump Rope / Jump / Jumping / Hair / Dead, Death / Hair / Exercise / Channel / Pearls / Hopscotch / Heaven, Sky / Tennis / Jumping / Wall / Fence / Wall / Northern Lights / Rows / Grave, Pit, Ditch / Jumping / Angel / Brother-in-law / Carp / Boyfriend, Girlfriend / Baldness / Blade / Dropper / Goose /


The dream in which you see something being very long, denotes to the sexuality and the intercourse. Perhaps you have doubts about your abilities or feel too confident of what you can achieve. The dream may suggest you to be more critical about yourself. The dream could also indicate the situation or relationships that are staying too long period of time.Read more…


If we see ourselves jumping in the dream, it will be a good omen meaning that we can improve our situation, either with our own strength or with some help that will be represented in the dream by the support that is giving us momentum for the jump. But if you are jumping down and we feel scared, it could be interpreted as our fear of facing a difficulty that will soon occur, so it is important to observe how our jump ends up in the dream….Read more…


Dream of having hair black, short and crispy, signifies sadness and misfortune. Hair well combed; friendship, and of troublesome matters. Hair dishevelled ; annoyances, sorrows, outrages and quarrels. Hair falling out. loss of friends. Of being unable to unravel your own hair from knots, lawsuits and long years of toil. Of having the hair as long as that of a woman, effeminacy and weakness as belonging to that sex. Of having it longer and more black than usual, increase in honor and riches. Of having the hair thinner than usual, affliction and poverty. Of seeing it grow white; an exhausted treasury, annihilation of fortune. Seeing a woman quite bald ; famine, poverty, sickness, Seeing a man without hair ; abundance, riches, health.Read more…

Dead, Death

Dream of kissing a dead person, long life. Make one a present loss and damage. See a corpse in a coffin, indigestion. See one dead who is alive and in good health ; annoyances, sorrows, loss of lawsuits. To see one die who is already dead ; approaching of a very rear relative, or a friend, bearing the same Christian name with the deceased. See a dead person who does not speak, this foretells to the dreamer that he has the same passions and the same destiny with the deceased. To see or to speak to one. of your near relatives or friends whom you know to be already dead ; a warning for reformation in conduct, and to introduce regularity into your business matters or other affairs. See one dead whom you believe to be living, proof that you can calculate upon the good of the individual. Dream of being dead ; the patronage of some influential person, riches, long life, troubled only by those envious of you. And buried, sudden death according to some authors, according to others, wealth proportionate to the amount of earth heaped upon you To have business with a dead woman, a love intrigue and favors with a lady of distinction….Read more…


To see hair in the dream is very fortunate symbol. In general, the dream about hair means sexual virility, seduction, sensuality, vanity, and health. It is indicative of your honourable attitudes. If your hair is knotted or tangled, then it has symbolic significance of uncertainty in a relationship or confusion in your life. Tangled or knotted hair also may indicate the inability to think clearly. Are you in current conditions of your life to think straight? Dreaming that you are cutting your hair, suggest that you are experiencing a loss in sexuality, vitality and strength. You may feel that someone is trying to limit you by blocking some important aspects of your personality. Alternatively, you may be reshaping your thinking or ambitions and eliminating unwanted thoughts. Maybe you also have some bad habit and you want to censor yourself from this behaviour. Dreaming that you are combing, stroking or styling your hair, suggest that you are taking on and evaluating a new idea, concept, outlook, or way of thinking. You may be putting your thoughts in order and getting your facts straight. A more literal interpretation suggests your concerns about your abilities, appearance, personality and dignity. To dream that you have long hair indicates that you are thinking long and extremely carefully before making any important decision. You are reaching new targets or concentrating on some plan or fixing some situation. To dream that you are losing your hair denotes that you are concerned with the notion that you are getting older and losing your sexuality. Do you feel shortage of sexual appeal or virility? Your mind is preoccupied with thoughts about aging and your appearance. Losing your hair also signifies a lack of strength and that you do not possess enough power to succeed in an undertaking. Maybe…Read more…


This dream is linked to water. If water runs tame and placidly by the channel, happiness will accompany our love. If the channel is broken, then it indicates that we have mistaken our feelings. If it’s too long, it announces a marriage in a distant country. According to the water we can interpret our dream with the explanation that water is very significant, because it symbolizes life, feelings and it is the inner life of people. When the water is clear and clean, then it announces a long and happy life exactly like our feelings. Mineral water symbolizes convalescence, health improvement. Holy water indicates physical and spiritual health. If the water is dirty or stuck, it usually shows evil and misfortunes of moral character. If water comes bitter, cloudy or yellowish, then it predicts disease. Tainted water foretells about your way of living with anger in the body. Smelly water shows misappropriated goods. Stuck water, loss of freedom. Blackish, unhappy marriage….Read more…


When a woman dreams of one or more pearl necklaces this suggests that she desires to get married as soon as possible and that this will actually happen soon. If a woman dreams of stringing pearls together to make necklaces, then it indicates that her hopes of getting married are fading, and if it does eventually happen, it would be in a very long time, which is the reason she fears reaching an old age and being alone and poor. If a man or woman dreams of pearls scattered on the ground, it suggests that they are suffering from a difficult economic and moral situation and this will remain that way for a long time. This dream becomes worse, if the pearls are not genuine, but fake. Dreaming about pearls usually refers to business or love, depending on the conditions of the pearls to judge if the situation will be good or bad. When a woman dreams of her boyfriend gifting her pearls, it suggests that she will have a lucky future. But if the pearls are broken or if she loses at least one of the pearls, then this signifies that her future will be full of suffering, setbacks and failures.Read more…

Heaven, Sky

To see in the heavens a moderate fire, pure and luminous ; danger to the country or to some high office in the State. See the heavens ablaze ; an attack upon the nation, plague, famine, desolation. From the side this fire falls will come the enemies or aggressors. Should this blaze jump about, extend itself or descend, the evil nature of the sign is magnified. The heavens sown with flowers, discovery of the truth. To ascend to the heavens, overwhelming honor. (See Stars, etc.)…Read more…


To dream that you played a tennis, denotes to the active lifestyle one is having. The dream could also show the desire of the dreamer to be in competing and win the game over and over again. On the other hand, the tennis could indicate the inability to make the decision towards some situation. Probably you are jump back and forth, from one point to another, instead of making the proper solution.Read more…


When you tear it down or jump it off, then such dream manifests the desire to change things that are difficult to deal with, to change to things that are easier to manage. If we are inside the wall, then it means we are protected and isolated from external danger. If the wall plummets when we lean on it, then it indicates that we have little confidence in our protections. If the wall is ruined, then it reveals fear and grief….Read more…


Symbolize problems or difficulties often created by ourselves and by our conduct. If we are the ones who made rows, then it shows that we are unhappy with our achievements or there is something that irritates us. If we jump over the rows, then we can save all the difficulties. If we fall into it we will fail in our company….Read more…

Grave, Pit, Ditch

It symbolizes problems and difficulties often created by ourselves and our behavior. If we see the pit in time it indicates that we are still able to avoid the looming danger. If we jump over we will be able to overcome all the difficulties. If we fall into it we will fail in our enterprises. If the grave is inscribed and the headstone has our name or our companies that indicates that we should give up the fight and take a new direction, changing our attitude which has so far been wrong.Read more…


To dream that you are jumping means you are willing to risk with things in real life to achieve your goals. It represents your decisive capacity to help you succeed. To dream that you are about to jump but are not able to indicates that you are afraid of uncertainty. To dream that you are jumping on an object shows your desires and goals after effort. Dreaming about jumping over a rope means that you are emotional towards your friends. To dream about kids jumping over rope means that you are selfish and arrogant.Read more…


Dreaming about becoming bald indicates problems and suffering. Dreaming about a bald man indicates that someone is trying to defraud the dreamer through seemingly legitimate propositions. This is a warning to carefully analyze future propositions. A woman who dreams of a bald man must take precautions when it comes to love propositions, since they could be false, and come from a dishonest and selfish person. Dreaming of bald children suggests that the dreamer desires to live in a happy home as a result of marriage. Baldness has for a long time been a symbol of virile energy loss in men and infertility in women, and casually in some cases it indicates the same in dreams, but usually they are just unfounded fears caused by a certain mood.Read more…