snake running away from me. dream interpretations

Are you ready to uncover hidden and forbidden meanings of your dream about snake running away from me.? Click and reveal mysterious and secret meanings of dreaming about snake running away from me. by interpretations of the dream's symbolisms in various cultures.

Short meaning: the dream about snake running away from me. may evidence amenity, adulation and harmony (concord).
Complete meanings of the snake running away from me. dream's symbols

Acclaiming / Flies and mosquitoes / Underground / Tick / Tobacco / Sterilize / Rouge / Beans / Urn / Vaccination / Cat / Coughing / Butterfly / Boatman / Ball / Criminal, Thief / Trophy / Snail / Stutter / Shooting / Ring, Rings / Ride, carnival / Suspenders / Talisman / Radioactive / Tumult / Trick, Ploy / Tragedy / Teeth / Peasant, farmer /

Flies and mosquitoes

Flies and mosquitoes, these insects symbolize annoying people or equally annoying external impulses. Killing of a fly in dreams expresses a desire to move away from conceited people, to make them disappear from our lives and thus avoid discomfort and problems. The mosquitoes warn us to protect ourselves from strangers who want to meddle in our lives, as well as the aggressive impulses that awaken in us.Read more…


When you are smoking tobacco in a dream, then such dream indicates the tranquility that is needed in your life, but only if you are a smoker in your waking life. Many smokers find the calmness while smoking, therefore the dream represents the peace. If the dreamer is not smoking in his waking life, then smoking tobacco represents your wish to get away from all the problems.Read more…


If you are wearing the rouge in a dream, then such dream shows the pleasures you will receive by acting dishonestly. If you see the other person wearing the rouge, then it means you will get deceived by others without noticing it. To clean the rouge away, denotes the shame you will suffer, especially if it didn’t come off properly….Read more…


To dream of being vaccinated denotes to the end of your fears. You are no longer afraid of getting hurt by others, because you have become a better and stronger person. Everything that was making you feel bad and sad is wiped away. If other people got vaccinated, then such dream represents your desire to help other people. You are the person who uses all of his power to help others.Read more…


It symbolizes the woman, almost always under a sensual and instinctive appearance. If in a dream we fear being scratched that reveals the fear that our perversions become known. To dream that a cat cuddles us means that a woman will use all its beguiling wiles to get what she wants from us. If we make the cat cuddling to us and then flee away from us, then indicates that she will not achieve her selfish desires. To feed the cat indicates problems and amorous rivalries. If the cat scratches us, means marital infidelity or fights between lovers. To see a cat or hear their meows is an omen of betrayals and deceptions. If the cat is white the traitor will be a false friend. If it’s black it means perfidy from a woman and all kinds of romantic problems….Read more…


When you are dreaming of yourself being sick with coughing, then it could mean that your overall health is bad. To dream that other people cough strongly, suggests that you are living in an unpleasant social situation from which you want to get away. Overall, coughing in dreams is usually a sign of uncertainty and anguish for an unappealing future. There could be various signals that indicate upcoming threats that could take you by surprise….Read more…


The butterfly symbolizes lightness, inconstancy and recklessness. In another aspect it symbolizes the soul, death and rebirth. To dream butterflies indicates lightness that can manifest itself in love or in business and that will lead us to ruin. The color can indicate the cause of our lightness. For example: If it’s white that indicates ignorance. Yellow means lack of knowledge. Red indicates that we let ourselves be carried away by the passions of the moment. Blue means by the unreality of a stupid romanticism. If the butterfly is nocturnal that omen indicates that we close to doing something immoral and sometimes even illegal. If it’s daytime butterfly there are no hidden intentions. Another meaning is to announce us that our life is starting a transformation that will elevate us materially and morally….Read more…


This dream is related within the mythic archetypes with death, and therefore some authors suggest it as ominous dream. However it can be interpreted following our role in the dream, in relation to the boat. Seeing the boat as it sails away, speaks of distances, goodbyes and seeing the boat reaching the coast may be reflecting that thing we expect with illusion. And if we are the boatman rowing with a lot of momentum that means we have to do our part if we wish to arrive at good harbor.Read more…


To dream about trophies is a sign of parties, joy and fun days to come. To win a trophy in our dreams is a presage of great events to come. If the trophy is lost during the dream, is a warning against thieves. When a female dreams about throwing her trophy away means that she will reject important opportunities to achieve something she wants, socially or economically. If the trophy is dirty or broken, then it means problems will caused by you.Read more…


Dreaming of having a bad tooth indicates you will have a financial loss. Dreaming of extraction indicates that some love ones will move away. Dreaming a loose back tooth means sadness, crying, and depression. A healthy tooth means you’ll enjoy of great friends and very affectionate situations. To dream that a tooth is protruding means radical changes in your life….Read more…