snake running away from me. dream interpretations

Are you ready to uncover hidden and forbidden meanings of your dream about snake running away from me.? Click and reveal mysterious and secret meanings of dreaming about snake running away from me. by interpretations of the dream's symbolisms in various cultures.

Short meaning: the dream about snake running away from me. may evidence amenity, adulation and harmony (concord).
Complete meanings of the snake running away from me. dream's symbols

Tamer / Roof / Plug / Mare / Sea / Acupuncture / Aerobics / Ox / Elephant / Fights / Children / Cheetah / Run / Chase / Factory / Escape / Squirrel / Eleventh Hour / Water / Wilderness / Distance / Falling / Curtains / Crucifix / Fish, fishes / Dice / Amber / Crocodile, lizard / Antiques / Antenna /


When this dream occurs is symbolizes the need to control our passions or more primary instincts, which can appear in the form of internal contradictions that frighten us. If in the dream there are accidents with wild animals that we are taming, it can be interpreted as a warning of the risk we are running and the need to be cautious and prudent.Read more…


When you are dreaming off getting an acupuncture it symbolizes your poor health. This dream wants to let you know, that maybe you need to change your lifestyle by going running, dancing, playing tennis or any other type of sport you would like to do. It is not only only the exercising, it is more about changing your lifestyle like going abroad for a small trip, go for a walk or any other stuff you think you would like to do. Try to change your attitude towards the active lifestyle.Read more…


A faithful servant and a great assistance ; internal peace. See one very fat, means good times, felicity near at hand. Very lean, means scarcity of grain/famine in the land. Drive one, fatigue and hardship. To see white oxen at pasture, denotes honor, profit, dignity. To see a red one running wild, imminent danger. A black one mad, peril of life. See oxen at labor, inestimable advantages. See them without horns, disarmed enemies. Oxen fighting, commencement of intestine quarrels. See oxen going to water, a very bad omen….Read more…


To see a cheetah, when you are dreaming, can be interpreted as alert for you. Cheetah indicates passive way of living. It means that you need to activate yourself become more moving toward pursuit of your goals. Have you been a little lazy in recent time? So you need to get off from your seat and be like that cheetah from your dream. Keep running!Read more…


Fortunate omen, good luck. From fright, security. With precipitation, unexpected happiness. After an enemy, denotes victory, profit. To run naked, perfidy of relatives. To see people run one after the other, denotes quarrel, disorders. Should they be armed with clubs or other weapons, means war to be apprehended, internal dissensions. It is a bad omen for an invalid to dream of running. For ; .a woman, dishonor and ruin….Read more…


If you dream that you are being chased, then such dream indicates the certain situation you are neglecting. Maybe you are afraid of something, therefore you are running from it? If you dream of being chased by some animal, then such dream foretells that you are trying to avoid the animalistic instincts that lie within you. If you were chasing someone in a dream, then such dream foretells that there are certain things you are trying to get as soon as possible. Perhaps you are very impatient person who wants things to happen fast.Read more…


If you dream of seeing one or more squirrels, then such dream shows the relationships you are in at the moment which are not in a good use, as it does not make you or others happy. The dream may also indicate easiness you are carrying with yourself and how immature you are, because of going from one project to another, not staying and finishing things until the end. If you tried to catch the squirrel, then it means that you are trying to change some things desperately, but are unable to find the proper solution. If you fed the squirrel, then it means that you will be accepted by those you were running around. If the squirrel was in a tree, then it means that you will suffer guilt and disappointment for not reaching the target you were aiming for….Read more…


The water in a dream symbolizes the subliminal mind of yours. The big part of the brain are made from water, therefore it is one of the most important things we have to use for living. The water in dreams is associated with the psychical aspects of our being. The dream in which you see the water is known as the symbol of spiritual growth, energy, vitality and wisdom. There are many different explanations about the water and its importance to us, depending on the circumstances of the dream. If the water was boiling, then it shows the aggression and anger that lies in the dreamer. On the other hand, the boiling water could represent the emotions that are about to explode. If the water does not make any motion, then such dream foretells about the tranquility and peace of dreamer’s mind. If the water in a dream is unclean and dirty, then it signifies the negative aspects of your thinking. Perhaps you are in the state of your mind which does not let you be free and creative. The muddy water could also denote to the surrounding you are at the moment, where you have to deal with many negative people. If someone has pushed you to the dirty water, then it means you will find yourself in very shameful and unpleasant situation, which will not depend on you. If you hear the water that is running, then it denotes to the spiritual highs you will reach through your positive thinking. The dreamer that was walking on the water is able to manage his emotions and thoughts, therefore everything stays calm and under control….Read more…


Falling indicates fear. If we fall and get up right away, it indicates that we will soon recover the confidence in ourselves. If we get up, danger of material loss. Slipping or falling from very low high, only warns us not to have oversights. Falling in the mud, disappointments. Falling in water, potential disease of hazard. From an elevated place means adversity. If you fall in a deep place, it is a very bad omen. Seeing someone else falling, someone will possibly be ruined and we will have a lot to do with it….Read more…

Fish, fishes

If we are eaten by a big fish it indicates that we are in a process of perfection and purification. In other occasions being devoured by a fish indicates a real danger that can cause us moral and material losses. The small fish that we try to catch with our hands and slips away reflect the memory or fear of sentimental disappointments. Dead or solitary fish indicate bitterness, despair and loneliness. Solitary fish hiding among the rocks reveals the desire to hide where we can evade responsibilities and sorrows.Read more…