sky turning dark dream interpretations

Are you ready to uncover hidden and forbidden meanings of your dream about sky turning dark? Click and reveal mysterious and secret meanings of dreaming about sky turning dark by interpretations of the dream's symbolisms in various cultures.

Short meaning: dream about sky turning dark can make poise, allegiance and affection.
Complete meanings of the sky turning dark dream's symbols

Fire / Afternoon / Colors / Flames / Pilgrim / Lightning / Star, planet, universe / Tower / Zenith / To get swamped, Swamp / Thunderbolt / Telescope / Paint / Night / Moon / Maze / Illuminate / Corridor / Panther / Hermit / Iron / Vault / Veil / Woman / Candleholder or candlestick / Tunnel / Tarantula / Purple / Site / Stockings /


It symbolizes the spirit and the spiritual side of the dreamer. The flame symbolizes the intellect. The flame without smoke rising straight into the sky symbolizes the intellect in the service of the spirit. The flickering flame symbolizes the intellect forgets the spirit. The smoking and devouring fire symbolizes the exalted passion. A small or moderate fire represents desire and tenderness. If the fire is too strong and wild that indicates danger of arguments, passions and anger. If the fire burns badly and produces a lot of smoke, then that announces betrayals. Feeling threatened by the flames denotes fear of facing an enterprise. Walking through the flames with impunity reflects the determination to overcome all obstacles.Read more…


Blue is the color of the sky, feelings and religious thoughts and innocence. It is the color of devotion. Green is the color of nature, fertility, sympathy and adaptability. It is the color of sensation and perception. Yellow is known as the symbolism of sun, gold, generosity and light. It is the color of intellect. Red is the color of war, blood, fire and passion. It is the color of feeling. Violet is the color of memories, longing and the border with the beyond. Grey is the color of dejection, inertia, indifference and ashes. It is a neutral color. Orange is the color of pride and ambition. It is the color of intellect (yellow) and (red) passion. Pink is very fresh color which foretells about sensuality and affection. It is the color of the limit and rebirth (white) and (red) passion. Gold color symbolizes the mystical aspect of the sun. Silver color symbolizes the mystical aspect of the moon. White color symbolizes the limit and rebirth….Read more…


The flame symbolizes the intellect. A flame without smoke rising straight into the sky symbolizes the intellect in the service of the spirit. A flickering flame symbolizes the intellect that forgets the spirit. To feel threatened by the flames denotes fear of facing an enterprise. To advance with impunity through the flames reflects the determination to overcome all obstacles.Read more…


In these dreams it’s very important to remember and analyze the direction of our walk and if someone is with us. If we enter a forest we enter the realm of the unconscious. If the sky is covered with clouds there’s a latent threat that stops us from acting. If a rainbow appears that means everything is well. If a bifurcation appears that means we must choose where we’re going….Read more…


Dreaming of lightning means that you will be altering between successes and failures for a short time. If one of the lightings falls near the dreamer, it announces a struck of good luck, but that will have bad results that will hurt others. Dreaming of lightning or thunder in the sky, especially among storm clouds suggests that sadness and a bad luck are approaching.Read more…


If a solitary tower emerges from the fog, clouds or a stormy sea, then it indicates a process of individualization and ripening. If the tower appears solid and perfectly seen in the sky, then it represents the possibilities of defense and our ability to successfully overcome the ravages of life. Sometimes the tower can also be a symbol of virility. Sometimes the tower could be a symbol of strong power we are carrying within ourselves. The dream shows our ability to be unbreakable and respected by others.Read more…


Dream of the moon represents something hidden, mystery with a feminine aspect of your inner-self. It also symbolizes the cycles of life, dependency, indirect knowledge, mobility, growth, imagination, the subconscious, the psychic and everything that is receptive and impressionable. Dreams of the moon are related to all feminine and fruitful things, especially with love and romance. Dream of a cloudy moon in a dark night is signal of misfortunes and losses. Dream of crescent moon indicates changes, renewal, and the cyclical movement. You are smoothly progressing towards your path. Dream of first quarter moon represents a burning love growing at times. Dream of a landscape illuminated by the moon indicates a romantic love. The phases of the moon indicate the evolution degree. Full moon means ends and goals. The bright and beautiful full moon means new romance, joy and peace. The new moon symbolizes new projects or business to perform and development. The new moon is also a sign of harmony, of a burning love. To dream that the moon decrease, means infidelity of your lover and disappointments in business. Dream of a lunar eclipse means your feminine side is overshadowing your masculine side. Also warns you about the disease of someone close to you.Read more…


To dream that you’re in a maze that has endless hallways and confusing roads, caves or tunnels that cross each other suggests mental confusion; it means that at the beginning, your affairs, business, affections, etc., are very complex. When you dream this way it is often means that your wife/husband, girlfriend/boyfriend, or your family are the people who mentally confuse you, and this often causes illness or break ups. When the maze is very dark it announces serious illness, either of the dreamer or of the people who appear in the dream. If the maze somehow relates to any means of transport, it suggests that you think about or desire to die. When the maze is inside a beautiful forest and better if it’s in an orchard of fruit trees, whether they’re flowering or already have fruit hanging from them, it announces unexpected joys and prosperity. To dream that you’re in a maze of railways, buses, or other vehicles suggests that you’ll begin a journey, but it will be boring and unproductive both socially and economically speaking….Read more…


Dreaming about veils or similar fine fabrics announces sadness due to various setbacks. Dreaming of oneself covered with a veil and seeing someone snatching it away is a symbol of violence and bad news. Dreaming about a broken, stained and dirty veil, announces failure in plans and projects. Dreaming that other people are being covered with a veil means intrigues and calumnies of false friends. Dreaming about an old and ragged veil announces that an adversary is attempting to harm the dreamer. When in dreams the veil is in light color, it’s a sign of joy and states that our dreams will come true thanks to unexpected events. Efforts that were made will be successful. When the veil is dark or damaged, then it announces great ruptures that will cause us intense grief and possible disputes with related people….Read more…

Candleholder or candlestick

It portends welfare and wealth to be acquired with effort. If the candles go out during sleep, then it portends that our work will be in vain. We will interpreter this to the meaning of candle. When the flame of a candle is strong, light and rises vertically with little smoke, it means we know very well what we want in life. A candle with a flickering flame, which burns with difficulty and abundant smoke, indicates that our ideas are fragile and unstable. If it fades, that means we are reaching the limits of our possibilities. A break will be imposed. When we light a candle to illuminate a dark place and it lit well, then it indicates that we will undertake preparation to the spiritual journey decisively and effectively. If it burns with difficulty, then it indicates that we are not ready for this trip yet.Read more…


Symbolizes a communication between two areas the darkness and clearness. The tunnel is associated with birth and is represented as the symbol of maternal vagina. The dark and endless tunnels make many nightmares that are expressed in dreams because of anxiety, insecurity or restless waiting for something that you wish for, but too afraid to obtain it.Read more…


Dreaming of a site represents a particular aspect of yourself in a particular relationship. The dreams in which we are at several sites are often associated with hidden areas of the conscious mind and the various aspects of our personalities. Dreaming that you find or discover new places suggests that you develop new strength. You can also grow emotionally. Seeing a nice place in a dream means you feel satisfied with your life. Seeing a dark mysterious place denotes that you feel stuck or repressed in a situation.Read more…


If we dream of stockings but without looking at details it’s an omen a reasonably peaceful and happy existence. If they are torn or have holes, then that warns us about possible deception or false promises. Taking off our stockings portends a change of situation. If the socks are made of wool, cotton, linen or synthetic material, but in good condition and nice to look that mean welfare benefits and profits. If they are made of natural silk it’s an omen that our wealth increases and may come from an inheritance or donation, rather than benefits by ourselves. If they are very light colored they symbolize friendship. If they are very dark or black they symbolize temptation….Read more…