saving a baby bird dream interpretations

Are you ready to uncover hidden and forbidden meanings of your dream about saving a baby bird? Click and reveal mysterious and secret meanings of dreaming about saving a baby bird by interpretations of the dream's symbolisms in various cultures.

Complete meanings of the saving a baby bird dream's symbols

Lark / Woodcock or snipe / Nest / Cage / Cage / Aviary / Blackbird / Birdseed / Moving / Stroller / Pear / Newborn / Belly / Baptism / Truck / Birth / Cricket / Birds / Feathers / Water well / Son, Daughter / Little boy, Little girl / Jay /


When you dream of seeing yourself in the cage, then such dream foretells about the state of your mind where you feel powerless. The dream shows that you feel lost at some point of your life where the solution is unknown. Consider the person or situation that is taking the space from you away. The dream shows that there is a shortage of freedom in your life. If you dream of putting some animal in the cage, then such dream signifies the components you will overcome. The dream shows that you will become the winner of certain situation. The dreams about the cage could also represent the wild aspects of your personality which you are able to control. The dream, in which you see the bird being in the cage, denotes to suppressed feelings and emotions. Perhaps you feel that you are limited.Read more…


If you dream of bird seeding, then such dream shows how you are growing as a better person in order to move on. The dream about feeding the birds also denotes to the understanding of importance to give the others. You are the person who is willing to give the help or the things that are needed for those who are in search. The dream also indicates the happiness in your life that you will receive through your hard work.Read more…


When you eat or see a pear in a dream, then such dream indicates the feminine aspects of your personality. Because of the shape of the pear, which reminds particular shape women, the dream could indicate the health and ability to carry the baby. Maybe the unconscious mind of yours is willing to get pregnant? Think about that. The pear in a dream could also indicate the strong bond between two individuals.Read more…


The dream, in which you see your own belly, shows the thoughts and ideas that are being crystallized and comes to the reality. Perhaps you are ready to get realized the ideas that were staying in your mind for a while. The belly could also indicate the suppressed emotions one is holding in. Perhaps you should trust more in what you can achieve. If you see the belly that contains the baby in it, then such dream denotes to the feelings that are about to come out. If you were rubbing your own belly in a dream, then such dream could indicate the internal stimulus which causes the feelings of hunger.Read more…


When you dream of a baby that is been baptized it denotes the reborn of your innerself. This dream shows your positive energy towards those around you. If you see someone being immersed into the water, it is not a good sign and might represent misfortune whereas coming to the surface out of water signifies revival and renewal. You must change your personality to the better self, as this will lead you to fortunate and prosperous future. On the sublimated side, the dream refers to researches of God. This is the time when you started realising of who you are and what do you do in this world, especially what is your purpose in life.Read more…


Dream of seeing them fight, temptation. Of seeing them fly over you, loss. Of hearing them speak, good luck. Dream of changing into a bird, mutation of goods. Dream of night birds, such as the owl, screech-owl, bats, is a bad augury for the success of undertakings contemplated on -the previous day. Of birds of prey, such as the hawk, falcon, etc., increase of fortune for the rich, surfeit of misery for the poor. Dream of capturing birds, pleasure and profit. Killing them misfortune. Firing upon and missing them, a bitter attack upon the dreamer by concealed enemies. Seeing many birds assembled v tattling and lawsuits.Read more…