red water in dream dream interpretations

Are you ready to uncover hidden and forbidden meanings of your dream about red water in dream? Click and reveal mysterious and secret meanings of dreaming about red water in dream by interpretations of the dream's symbolisms in various cultures.

Short meaning: the dream of red water in dream may allude to succor, admiration and good will.
Complete meanings of the red water in dream dream's symbols

Baptism / Avalanche / Basin / Cube / Creek / Canoe / Bath / Wine / Thirst / Beach / Underwater / Beets / Bedspread / Agate / Hot Pepper / Cheeks / Beef / Vinegar / Candle / Roses / Currants / Yellow / Flowers / Grapes / Blood / Iron / Sun / Gooseberry / Painting / Moon /


When you dream of a baby that is been baptized it denotes the reborn of your innerself. This dream shows your positive energy towards those around you. If you see someone being immersed into the water, it is not a good sign and might represent misfortune whereas coming to the surface out of water signifies revival and renewal. You must change your personality to the better self, as this will lead you to fortunate and prosperous future. On the sublimated side, the dream refers to researches of God. This is the time when you started realising of who you are and what do you do in this world, especially what is your purpose in life.Read more…


When the avalanche falls on us but we come out unharmed, then it is not a bad omen. If it is made of dirt or other solid element, you will be benefited the certain amount of money. If it is made of water or snow, you will be involved in problems, but you will come out from it victorious. If it is made of fire, it is the premonition of going to a higher state of consciousness. If it is made of dirt or solid materials, it prevents you from an accident. If it is made of water, snow or fire, it warns you that some feelings can destroy you. When the avalanche falls on others, it warns that you are in danger.Read more…


Dreaming of fishing in a small canoe that is sailing in calm waters indicates absolute dominance over oneself and therefore can manage and govern life and business with absolute success. Sailing in this same way but in company of a loved one, if both are single it insinuates that marriage might be close and if both of them are already married, it indicates a well-matched marriage and a happy home. When the canoe is sailing in dirty water it indicates that life and business will go from bad to worse or that social relationships will deteriorate. Dreaming of running water of any kind always indicates the present and immediate future, depending on how the waters look: clean and clear or dirty and muddy, calm or turbulent.Read more…


If we are taking a bath we must take into account the feelings that bath produces in us. If the bath is nice and we see the clear, clean water, it bodes health and prosperity both material and spiritual. But if we do not take the bath because the tub is empty, or the water is dirty or hot or cold, almost all authors consider it as a notice of lost opportunity due to lack of foresight or the difficulty of adequately address the events.Read more…


See it, effusion of blood. Drink it pure; force, vigor. Mixed with water, convalescence In sickness. White : amusement, recreation, pleasure parties in the country. Muddled, riches. Be inebriated with muscat, or other sweet and agreeable liquid – friendship of an influential person, fortune to come. Be inebriated with water, denotes false glory, ostentation, ridiculous vanity. (See Vomit))…Read more…


If you dream of seeing a beach it represents two completely opposite conditions of your wit. The sand symbolizes the reasonable aspects of your mind, but the water represents unreasonable aspects of your wit, such as unsteady, confused and irritating thoughts. The dream shows two different worlds, which very often people get lost, which one of them to choose: the one that tells to improve the spiritual aspects of your innerself or the one that provides stable and safe material well-being. If you dream of standing on the beach and looking toward the sea or the ocean, it foretells that huge and mysteriuos things are taking place in your life at this very moment. The bigger the storm or the bigger the waves are, the more dractic changes will happen. If you dream of looking towards the beach it means that you are settling down and taking back the life you had or joining the process you used to be in before. Consider that this dream shows your ability to admit all the new sauses that is happening in your life. If you see yourself just lieing down, taking the nap or just loosening on the beach it is a sign of upcoming quiet and peaceful next chapter. If you see yourself doing particular or any work on the beach it foretells that very soon you might get the project that will take lots of your time and strength to get it done, so prepare yourself for hard work and try to keep calm with lots of patience.Read more…


When you see yourself under the water, then such dream indicates the hidden aspects of your personality. Perhaps you wish to be invisible. The dream about underwater could also suggests you to be aware of the surroundings, because the unconscious mind of yours is trying to show you to be careful. The underwater is also the symbol of the bond between you and your relatives, especially the mother who gave birth to you. Such dream may show the heavy duties you have and that they are too difficult to handle. Perhaps you wish to escape the situation you are in at the moment.Read more…


When a dreamer sees the beets (beetroot) in his dream it shows fortune ahead of you. Now is the time when you started receiving all the goods for the work you did. Beets also foretells about sweetness and sexiness and how much of that are dominating in your life. The deep red color of the beets shows the passion and desire to be satisfied in the most extraordinary way.Read more…


If you dream of buying or seeing a bedspread, it indicates your sexual desires and the way you look or represent yourself. You should try to recreate the colour or the print of the bedspread you had a dream of. For example if the bedspread was red it shows how passionate and sexual you are or if the bedspread is shrinked, it indicates the variety or confusions of your wishes. Usually the bedspread symbolizes the very intimate part of your life.Read more…


If you dream of a black agate it symbolizes health, power and strength. If you dream of a red agate it signifies healthy lifestyle, peace and freedom. This dream shows how blissful, auspicious and wealthy life you are going to have. It also could be a sign of happy marriage, good relationships or new start of your better life.Read more…

Hot Pepper

Doing something, like seeing, eating or any other action, with hot pepper, when you are dreaming, has meaning of passionate characteristics of your personality. Is your temper hot like these peppers? Alternatively, hot red pepper may represent an overheated debate or argument, which is becoming very hot. On the other hand, there can be third explanation, it can be interpreted as symbolism that your relationship must be more spicy. Try to add a little fire and spice into your relationship.Read more…


To see cheeks in a dream, then such dream indicates dedication, affection and closeness. The dream also stands for the symbolism of your power and views. The cheeks that are red indicate longevity, health and shyness. Perhaps you are feeling very shy about some situation. The pinky cheeks are also associated with the healthiness and long life of the dreamer. If you or someone else has painted your cheeks, then such dream foretells about the creative aspects of your personality. You are the person who is able to be very original at any situation of his life.Read more…


Dreaming of bloody red beef suggests that soon diseases that could be dangerous will appear, which is why the dreamer should take precautions especially with food and going to the doctor for a general check-up. Dreaming about eating cooked beef hints that soon the dreamer will require help in certain activities and mainly in regards to health. Dreaming of being in a party where delicious and well-seasoned beef is being served hints that matters are going well but they should be monitored to avoid unexpected problems. If the dreamer is eating that beef the good prognostics increase.Read more…


If you dream of the candles, then such dream indicates the upcoming happiness, harmony and tranquility in your life. The candles could also indicate the stable state of your life where you feel safe and secure, but also trying to find the spiritual aspects within yourself. If you lit the candles in a dream, then it shows the wisdom and understanding you gained. You are acknowledging the people and situations in your life just the way they are. The candle that is unlit denotes to the frustrations and dissatisfaction. Perhaps you are not using all of your powers and abilities. To dream about candle blow out, denotes to the disappearing aspects within your personality. Perhaps you are leaving your past behind and letting some things go. If the candle has burnt completely, then such dream indicates the apprehension of death and ending. Maybe you are afraid of getting old and losing the shinning youthfulness you always had? The candles could also represent the romantic aspects in your life, especially if the candle is red. The lightening that is created by candles brings the hidden passion, affection and harmony. Perhaps you are looking for some love and affection, therefore the unconscious mind of yours is creating romantic candle lighted atmosphere.Read more…


To see roses in bloom a good sign, at least if the dreamer be not an invalid nor a fugitive from legal proceedings, in which case the dream forewarns danger of his life or his liberty. Dreaming of roses in out of season, the interpretation is directly the reverse. To see very red roses means joy, recreations. To see white roses: sorrow, mourning.Read more…


Traditionally dreaming with color yellow is interpreted as an omen of intelligence, luck and energy to everyday life. Yellow is a symbol of sunlight that illuminates everything and gives us warmth. However, if in addition to the yellow there is also color red, we probably feared excessive force that results in irritability or anger. It is basically the color of intellect.Read more…


To gather them, considerable benefits. Hold, see or smell them in their season, consolation, pleasure, joy. Out of season, obstacles and want of success. Should they be white, the difficulties will be slight, if they be yellow the difficulties will be painful, and if red then the dream oftentimes foretells death. (See Rose, Lily, etc.) To see the flowers of the field, annoyances, losses, physical maladies, mental diseases, at least when the dreamer is not a habitual student in botany. To cultivate flowers, charity….Read more…


To see the sun, discovery of secrets and the management of business. To have seen it with sore eyes, cure. When in prison, liberty. To see the sun rising; good news, prosperity. Setting; losses, false news. Should a woman be the dreamer, birth of a son. The sun obscure, red, surrounded by a halo, means obstacles, sickness of the child, personal danger, speedy disease of the eyes However it is a happy omen for persons who have enemies, or who, for some reason, keep themselves concealed….Read more…


Seeing a painting in a dream represents your need to express. A painting is a symbol of intuition and inner realizations. Dreaming that you’re painting your home means that you will find success in a new project. Consider the color of the painting to determine the additional meanings. For example, the red paint can involve your enclosed excitements. Dreaming that the painting has stained your clothes means that you get too criticized and it hurts you….Read more…


If a young person dreams about the moon, it suggest that he/she is exploiting his/her age or romantic era, and that he/she is full of illusions, including love illusions. Overall, dreaming about the moon means that you’re acting very slowly and in a negligently way, and that will lead you to failures. In some cases, to dream about the moon indicates that you are not addressing your everyday problems because you ignore them, and such situation is leading you to make mistakes and to failure. When superstitious people dream about the moon, it generally means that a distant person is cursing them. This interpretation is only a consequence of their superstition and perhaps because they fear the dark. To dream about a full moon in a calm sky announces that your plans will be successful if you work with determination. To dream that the moon is somewhat opaque and surrounded with clouds suggests difficulties, particularly sentimental ones, at home or with others. Dreaming about an eclipsed moon announces diseases, perhaps epidemic ones. When a woman dreams with two moons, it suggests that soon she’ll break up with her lover because she’ll find out that there is another woman in his life. When a woman dreams about a red moon, a bloody moon, it suggests that she’ll lose her lover at war, a fight or an accident….Read more…