men wearing black suit dream interpretations

Are you ready to uncover hidden and forbidden meanings of your dream about men wearing black suit? Click and reveal mysterious and secret meanings of dreaming about men wearing black suit by interpretations of the dream's symbolisms in various cultures.

Short meaning: the dreams of men wearing black suit may herald poise, regard and benevolence.
Complete meanings of the men wearing black suit dream's symbols

Armor / Anklet / Hat / Ear / Backpack / Ballet / Goggles / Mascara / Gasoline / Garland / Bathrobe / Wedding Ring / Belt / Skirt / Soldier, military / Santa Claus / Rubber / Ring / Talisman / Tie / Vest / Wig / Uniform / Uniform / Uniform / Pants / Mourning / Costume / Diamonds / Cap /


When you dream of wearing an anklet it represents that your life depends on the decisions you’ve made. Everything you will have it will be the achievement of your hard work. This dream also symbolizes desire and hunger. There is a possibility for you to find a partner or your relationship you are in at the moment will become more lovable and passionate than it used to be….Read more…


Dream of having the ear wounded or cut, treason on the part of one abusing your secrets confided to him. To have the ears stopped up ; tenacity, headstrongness, domestic tyranny, if the dreamer be in a high social position. For all ordinary individuals, this dream signifies change in sentiment, duplicity, and deceit as regards those placing confidence in him. Clean the ears or to have more than two, friends and faithful servants. To have them filled with grain or wheat, legacy from a’ distant relative. To have ears handsomer or larger than usual, success and brilliant fortune from an intimate friend . To have asses’ ears, servitude for the person wearing them. To have the ears of a lion or other ferocious beast, treason on the part of enemies or those envious of you, whom you believe to be friends….Read more…


When you dream of seeing a ballet it indicates equipoise, consonance, and team work. If you dream of wearing a ballet shoes it means that you do know that there are always some sort of scales in your life and that they suppose to be even if you want to live in harmony and without any stress. This dream represents you as having a peacefull and friendly personality.Read more…


Dreaming that you are wearing mascara, can be interpreted as symbolism that you need to open your eyes and watch closely your surroundings. You must be more attentive to a situation, position or relationship. To dream that your mascara is smeared, represents gossip and scandal. Maybe, someone is making false and damaging statements about you. But that will not affect your reputation, because you are consistent person.Read more…


To have interaction or to encounter or to see gasoline, when you are dreaming, has the symbolic significance and suggests energy and spirituality. Thus to dream that you run out of gas, can be interpreted as symbolism that you are wearing yourself out. Take a time out. Dreaming that you are filling your car with gasoline, has deep meaning and stands as an omen for your need to take better care of your Self. You need to be filled with new energy and vitality.Read more…


When you dream of wearing a bathrobe it signifies to requirements of privacy. It seems that you feel without personal life. Maybe you wish you could be in your own world more often then you are at the moment. The dream also denotes to your intimate life’s issues. Make sure you face your problems and try to figure them out, as only then you will be able to feel relaxed and satisfied….Read more…

Wedding Ring

The dream about the wedding ring symbolizes dedication, love and commitment. If you are wearing the wedding ring in a dream, but you are not married in your waking life, then it shows your desire to find the special one or to get married with the one you are already in relationship. To lose the wedding ring is known as a bad omen, because it shows the disagreements and crisis ate current relationships.Read more…


Dream of a skirt indicates relationships between couples. Dreaming of a dirty skirt with spots indicates intrigues and slander. If you are man and you dream of a refined skirt means you will find a person of great quality. If you are a man and you dream of a short skirt means unreliable relationships with double morality. To a woman, dream of a refined, elegant skirt foresees a success. To a woman dream of a long skirt indicates gossip and ridicule. Dream of a man wearing a skirt means a disgrace and shame.Read more…

Soldier, military

Symbolizes the duties and obligations that society subject to us. This dream often reveals that we are subjected to a form of coercion from which we want to free ourselves. If we are young and the dream is unpleasant, then it denotes a desire to integrate into the community and abide by its rules. If the dream is accompanied by an agonizing feeling of wearing the uniform which is incomplete, untidy or dirty then it refers that in our life we are subjected to constraints of professional, family or social aspects. If the weather is nice in the dream, then it is about our subordination and obedience to a higher law that come from ourselves. If we are not the soldier, nor we see them as isolated individuals, but armed and marching in formation, reveals the existence of some danger that threatens our independence or personal security….Read more…


To dream that you’re wearing rubber or plasticized fabrics suggests that you’ll receive attention and recognition for your constancy and good behavior at work, but if the fabric appears torn or wrinkled it’s a warning that you must not change your personality and character. To dream that you handle rubber objects suggests that you have a versatile personality and a ductile character, and that’s the reason why the people who regularly surround you mostly criticize you….Read more…


Rings mean superiority and power. Dreaming of wearing rings suggests that in the immediate future, you will start new affairs successfully. Dreaming that other people wear rings means prosperity for others, with some impact in your own interests. Dreaming of a broken or faulty ring suggests that difficulties, jealousy and misunderstandings are appearing in your home. When that dream is between lovers, is a sign of a breakup. If young woman dreams of getting a ring as a gift from a man, then such dream suggests that her lover will soon ask her to marry him. If you receive a ring as a gift, it is a sign of wellbeing and happiness. If you give a ring as a gift to someone else, it means that you will soon have to provide assistance to a family member or friend.Read more…


Dreaming of using a wig suggests that the dreamer will go through some changes that will probably end in bad results. Dreaming of losing a wig suggests that the dreamer is at disadvantage against enemies. Dreaming of other people of unnecessarily wearing the wigs indicates that fakeness may affect the dreamer.Read more…


the uniform symbolizes the duties and obligations that society engulfs to us. This dream often reveals that we are subjected to some form of coercion from which we want to free ourselves. If the dream is accompanied by an agonizing feeling because of wearing the uniform that is incomplete, untidy or with undisciplined attitude, then it means that in our life we are subjected to professional, family or social constraints.Read more…


Symbolize the authority and prestige within a group. If during our dream we see a family member, co-worker, etc., putting our pants on then this reflects our fear of losing a certain category and responsibility. If we dream about wearing pants that do not fit us, the dream is reflecting our fear of not living up to the authority entrusted to us….Read more…


Dreaming of being a diamond owner indicates that the dreamer aspires to possess great wealth and excel in society. A young and single woman that dreams of wearing diamonds hints that she yearns to marry a man very rich and with prestige in society. But if during the dream she loses one or more diamonds, then it is a warning that her dreams of being rich will fail. Usually dreaming about diamonds is a good thing since it hints success, but if the dreamer loses one of the diamonds that appear in the dream, then it will become a bad omen, since it insinuates sadness, poverty, suffering, etc.Read more…