finding lost jewelry dream interpretations

Are you ready to uncover hidden and forbidden meanings of your dream about finding lost jewelry? Click and reveal mysterious and secret meanings of dreaming about finding lost jewelry by interpretations of the dream's symbolisms in various cultures.

Complete meanings of the finding lost jewelry dream's symbols

Treasure Chest / Dragon / Attorney / Tug Of War / Kidnapper / Ballerina / Aquarium / Keys / Bull / Clogs / Adam And Eve / Puppy / Rat / Animation / Aliens / Alcohol / Clogs / Balloon / Maple tree / Money / New Year / Penny / Gold / Inspection / Cloister / Hide / Discussion / Horseshoes / Disorder / Money /


…more in order to get knowledge. If dragon is attacking you, then there aren’t any chances to avoid something, what is represented by dragon’s colour. If red dragon attacks you – you may get very intimate offer. If someone is attacked by dragon is attacking with fire, then it is your action’s representation. Burning dragon is spitting fire on person, that you know and have feelings on her/him, so this dream represents your burning passion or burning anger for this person. If you’re touching a dragon, it represents your accommodation with particular condition. To touch grey dragon in the dream, means that you don’t have worries about not being able to choose something. If you see eating dragon, then it shows that condition is going bigger. To see green dragon eats grass in the dream means that you need to work even harder. Alternatively, dragon is a fictional creature and can be induced by external stimuli, like movie or book. On psychological level, dragon is interpreted as a trigger, which shows that you allowing yourself to get carried away by your fantasies. And such dream is a reminder that such behaviour may give you some problems. Maybe you need to exercise more self-control. In the eastern cultures, dragons are seen as spiritual creatures and symbolizing superior fertility, huge wealth and good fortune. As internal stimuli dragon can be interpreted on emotional level. In such way, dreaming about yourself being a dragon and breathing fire, suggests that you are having emotional brake, you are full of various feelings. You’re letting these feelings out in your dream. Alternatively, fire refers to your anger induced by solving troubles or finding solutions or being in a particular relationship. This dream shows also that you are getting your own way out from this situation….Read more…


Dreaming of finding a lawyer suggests that the environment in which you live is intriguing and you should be aware of those who are trying to make a harm to you. Dreaming of a lawyer who is inside a tavern, suggests that the enemies of the dreamer will rely on dirty tricks to complicate your affairs. When you dream that you are defended by a lawyer, implies that the dreamer receive sincere help. Perhaps the dream shows that the help you receive is not from your family or friends, therefore the other person defends you and you feel some kind of fear about it. When you dreamed about any way related to lawyers, then it suggests that you are at risk of facing serious problems, but not necessarily legal. When a woman dreams of talking with lawyers, then it shows the risk she is taking while being in contact with other people. Otherwise, the dream may suggest about huge changes in her waking life such as divorce or marriage….Read more…


If someone has kidnapped you in a dream, then such dream indicates the stagnation of your feelings. Perhaps there is something in your life that doesn’t let you to perform fully. The limitations and restrictions that are given to you don’t let to be who you wish to be. If you see someone else being kidnapped, then it means you are finding difficult to accept the characteristics of that certain person. If you were the one who was a kidnapper in a dream, then it means you are struggling to leaving your past behind. Perhaps there are some sentiments which you are unable to let go….Read more…


When you dream of being a ballerina it shows that you are facing all the barriers in your life without struggling while finding easy and quick desicion. It seems that you feel like unlimited person. Usually when people are dreaming about ballerinas it symbolizes purity, fragility and weakness. The main symbol of ballerina is a grace. It seems that you are looking for perfection, trying to fit into standards of beauty which is not acceptable. You must understand that there is no need to try to be like the others, everyone is unique in their own way, so head up and be yourself.Read more…


If you dream of an aquarium it means that you realized your feelings, but have not encountered them. The other meaning of this dream could be, that you have hidden feelings and emotions or unexpressed sexual intentions. Maybe you do not know how to feel about your life, you have no idea where you are at the moment, and if this is the life you want. You keep finding yourself at the same place over and over again. Keep in mind, that dreaming of an aquarium could represent how tired and exhausted you are, so try to ease up.Read more…


If you dream of being an alien it represents part of you that’s haven’t been revealed yet. The other meaning of your dream is your wish to run away from certainty. This dream could also symbolize your fantasies and deep sensitivity. When you are dreaming of being kidnapped by aliens it represents your apprehension loosing the ones you love and it means you do not want to let see your soul by anyone. The other sign of seeing aliens could be your fear to face new people and to adopt into new environment, which you never been before. You are having problems while introducing yourself into new atmosphere. You are struggling dealing with new people or new job. This dream also could be a meaning of you forgetting yourself, not finding out what you are worrying about….Read more…


When you dream of drinking an alcohol, but in a small amounts, it represents you going on the right direction, reaching the proper destinations while feeling fulfilled that you managed to reach them. It means you are managing the problems the way they supposed to be managed and t means that whatever you do you it will be successful and pleasurable. If you dream of drinking alcohol in a big amounts, it indicates frustration and pithiness you will suffer. This indicates your fear of people finding out for who you truly are and while you drink alcohol it makes you to forget your problems, but it does not mean it they are solved. What you have to do is to make sure that you are not overindulging with alcohol.Read more…


Dreaming about clogs is not a good omen, and is almost always an indication that the upcoming circumstances will not be enviable whatsoever. It is very likely that many sacrifices will have to be made before finding a convenient point of stability for business. It is often a clear sign of worry regarding with your destiny, poverty, and misery….Read more…


When you dream of seeing ballons it represents your frustration of finding your soul mate, the true love you have been looking for a very long time. It seems that there is a possibility for you life to get completely upsidedown. Keep in mind that ballons also represent pomposity and very high ambitions about yourself. If you saw ballons that are black it signifies sadness and uhapiness you are suffering from, especially if those ballons are becoming smaller and smaller. If you dream of the ballon that is pumping up with the air or becoming bigger and bigger it symbolizes the desperation and your wish to run from those problems away. The other meaning of seeing ballons indicates celebrations, parties and happy time. If you dream of the ballon that has blowed up it shows that there are some circumstances which you have not noticed yet, but it signifies the target you had no idea you reached. Keep in mind that when the ballon blows up it could also show the difficulties you are suffering from. It seems that you are not able to control these emotions anymore and now is the time when they exploded as it is too hard for you to keep them in. If you dream of being in a hot air ballon it represents your need for the relief. Make sure you will try to get over the things that did not let you moving forward. This dream shows you that you do not remain firm on the ground. Seeing ballons could also be a sign from your subconcsiuos mind that is looking for peace and rest. You want to feel the idol to someone.Read more…

Maple tree

Dreaming of a maple symbolizes humility, warmth, and openness. It also indicates increases, positive happiness and fullness of life. Seeing a maple tree falling indicates dissonance and broken family ties. Finding a maple leaf in your dream represents each of the five senses and what it has to offer. Also, denotes a helping or protective hand.Read more…