cat biting my finger dream interpretations

Are you ready to uncover hidden and forbidden meanings of your dream about cat biting my finger? Click and reveal mysterious and secret meanings of dreaming about cat biting my finger by interpretations of the dream's symbolisms in various cultures.

Short meaning: To observe , when you `re dreaming, cat biting my finger denotes unconstrained warmth, feminine passion, genius and gift. Based on some dreams' interpretators' understanding such dream stands for difficulty and bummer weal. Such dream's fable has distinct substance relying on whether you have affection to a cat or not. It can augur that an unspecified person should be accurate or strong in relation to your character. On the other hand, if you aren't the cats admirer and if the dream was more like nightmare then your dream can forebode backwards subject: an unspecified person should be phony and/or unsound in relation to your person. The dream of cat biting my finger full of friendly sensations indicates that you are in integrity in relation to your womanliness side and sexual urge. However when a dream was full of aggression notions then the dream betokens that you are in difficulty in relation to the womanliness part of yours.
Complete meanings of the cat biting my finger dream's symbols

Cat / Cat / Cat / Cat / Back-biting / Cat / Finger / Pinky Finger / Cat / Biting / Ring finger / Cat Owl / Cat / Fingers / Fingers / Bite / Nails / Fingers / Hammer / Fingers / Bobcat / Bacon / Birth / Childbirth / Scratches / Howling /


To dream about a cat symbolizes bad luck if you don’t kill it, but in case you do, or if the cat flees, then it suggests that you’ll be successful in your affairs and will control your enemies. To dream that a cat attacks you suggests that your enemies will soon damage both your reputation and your economic values. To dream that a dirty and famished cat stands in the middle of your way suggests an upcoming grief and illness in your family. To dream that you see or hear a cat scratching the door indicates that your enemies are trying to harm you. If the cat rubs against your legs, it suggests that you’re surrounded by hypocrisy. When a woman dreams that she’s carrying and petting a cat, it suggests that someone is giving her negative advice about her emotional issues. If you dream that a spotted or yellow cat chases you, it suggests that you’ll meddle among intrigues and embarrassments that will end up harming you. To dream about a cat and a snake and that these animals have a friendly relationship is the worst dream and omen, and the best we can do is watch carefully around us to find out what can be upcoming. It is said that this dream in some cases suggests industrial, political or military espionage. The cat is a female symbol, both for its natural way of being and because it is a fussy little pet for many women, therefore, when a man dreams about cats it suggests the presence of women in a sexual sense. When a woman dreams about one or more white and beautiful cats is a warning that there are some selfish interests that are trying to harm her, but she’ll be able to end with those…Read more…


If you see the cat in your dream, then such dream represents unfaithfulness, disadvantage and betrayal. The cat could also have a very positive meaning especially if the dreamer is the lover of the cats, then the dream would indicate the comfort, love and friendship. If the cat is aggressive, then such dream shows the issues with your feminine aspects that must be solved immediately. Cats in dreams could also represent the sexual desires the one has. Perhaps the lack of sex reflects in your dreams. The kittens in dreams have a positive meaning, because it symbolizes childishness, purity and innocence. Consider that it is very common dream for pregnant women, because it shows the instincts to care for the innocent little creatures. The cat that is black denotes to secret and hidden aspects of the individual. Perhaps the dreamer is out of touch with the reality he lives in. The dream, in which the cat bites you, shows that you to tend to take a lot, but do not give back enough. The white cat in dreams shows the troubles you will face in near future. If you see many cats at one place, then such dream shows the big amount of illusions. Perhaps you do not see things clearly. If you see the cat that is dead, then it means you are trying to get some privacy and independence for your life. The dead cat could also show that you avoid meeting the feminine aspects of yourself. If the cat has scratched you, then it means you are afraid of something in your life. The cats that are playing in a dream denotes to the playfulness in you that must be regained.Read more…


It symbolizes the woman, almost always under a sensual and instinctive appearance. If in a dream we fear being scratched that reveals the fear that our perversions become known. To dream that a cat cuddles us means that a woman will use all its beguiling wiles to get what she wants from us. If we make the cat cuddling to us and then flee away from us, then indicates that she will not achieve her selfish desires. To feed the cat indicates problems and amorous rivalries. If the cat scratches us, means marital infidelity or fights between lovers. To see a cat or hear their meows is an omen of betrayals and deceptions. If the cat is white the traitor will be a false friend. If it’s black it means perfidy from a woman and all kinds of romantic problems….Read more…


If you dream of back-biting about someone, shows that you will be in a trouble if you will not stop doing something you are doing at the moment. Make sure you think of your own actions, because the consequences will be terrible. This might mean that every little mistake you might do will be very unpleasant. If you dream that someone is back-biting about you, means that you will suffer of troubles in your family life.Read more…


A subtle thief, treason by a near relative. Fight or kill one, capture or death of a thief. Eat the flesh of one, to make a thief disgorge. Have the skin of one, to recover property of which the dreamer has been despoiled, or even to seize upon the plunder of a thief. See a cat lying down and asleep, partial success. See one furious and leaping upon someone, attack from thieves. Scratches made by a cat, illness and affliction for those receiving them.Read more…


Symbolically associated with relatives, so some authors indicate that if there is any injured or wounded in the dream it can be interpreted as a harbinger of disease in a close relative. If the finger has scratches or bumps this will mean harbinger of family discussions. A burnt finger announces jealousy problems or emotional disappointments with our partner.Read more…


Biting someone in a dream portends that our aggression will create numerous enemies, or reveals the desire to possess and dominate the person we bite. If we are bitten it means that we feel hurt by the aggression of the person who bites us, or the aggressiveness of others if we do not recognize the person. It can also reveal the fear of sexual assault. If we are bitten by an animal the dream reflects the fear of letting ourselves be dominated by our instincts and passions, which will be symbolized by the animal that bites us.Read more…


To watch your fingers indicates a financial gain or a salary increase. To see five more fingers states there will be new sentimental concerns. To see an injured finger indicates strong discussions of all kinds. To see your toes in a dream indicates that you manage life with a lot of tolerance and balance. On the other hand, toes may represent some minor details to you. Dreaming that your toes are growing indicates an extension of your desires. Dreaming that you lose a toe means anxiety to overtake something. Dream that someone is kissing your toe indicates that the problems will calm.Read more…


Be present at the birth of a child, joy and prosperity. If more than one child born, the success is proportionately greater. If dreaming of a miscarriage, then it means failure in projects. An unnatural childbirth denotes dangerous disorders. For a woman not in reality pregnant to dream of giving birth to a son, success complete in all enterprises. If a man has this dream, gain, riches and profit to be attained slowly. The dream of giving birth to a fish represents a child in feeble health. To dream childbirth of or giving birth to a rat, cat, snake or other monster, symbolizes the precursor of manifold disaster.Read more…