black soil dream interpretations

Are you ready to uncover hidden and forbidden meanings of your dream about black soil? Click and reveal mysterious and secret meanings of dreaming about black soil by interpretations of the dream's symbolisms in various cultures.

Short meaning: the dream of black soil may suggest restfulness, flame and amicability.
Complete meanings of the black soil dream's symbols

Earth / Swans / Woman / Balloons / Cat / Castle / Cat / Feather / Currant / Magic / Duel / Balloon / Agate / Shirt / Stones / Tie / Stripes / Galloping /


See one, infirmity. Many, mortifications. Hear one without seeing her, change of location. See a brunette, dangerous illness. With long locks, honor and profit. A white one, deliverance. Black, ill at ease for several days. A pregnant one, agreeable news. See one of a beautiful figure, denotes joy, satisfaction, and health, when the dreamer is a man ; jealousy, quarrels, scandals, when it is a woman. Hear a woman quarrel, anxiety….Read more…


Dream of balloons indicates that your hopes for love may suffer a setback. On the other hand, balloons are a symbol of celebrations and joys; maybe you should recognize your internal desires. Balloons may also represent arrogance; perhaps you have too good opinion about yourself. Dream of black balloons symbolizes depression, especially, if the balloons come down. If a balloon explodes in a dream, it symbolizes a not realized object or a desire. Dreaming of a flying balloon means that the time to overcome your depression has come.Read more…


If you see the cat in your dream, then such dream represents unfaithfulness, disadvantage and betrayal. The cat could also have a very positive meaning especially if the dreamer is the lover of the cats, then the dream would indicate the comfort, love and friendship. If the cat is aggressive, then such dream shows the issues with your feminine aspects that must be solved immediately. Cats in dreams could also represent the sexual desires the one has. Perhaps the lack of sex reflects in your dreams. The kittens in dreams have a positive meaning, because it symbolizes childishness, purity and innocence. Consider that it is very common dream for pregnant women, because it shows the instincts to care for the innocent little creatures. The cat that is black denotes to secret and hidden aspects of the individual. Perhaps the dreamer is out of touch with the reality he lives in. The dream, in which the cat bites you, shows that you to tend to take a lot, but do not give back enough. The white cat in dreams shows the troubles you will face in near future. If you see many cats at one place, then such dream shows the big amount of illusions. Perhaps you do not see things clearly. If you see the cat that is dead, then it means you are trying to get some privacy and independence for your life. The dead cat could also show that you avoid meeting the feminine aspects of yourself. If the cat has scratched you, then it means you are afraid of something in your life. The cats that are playing in a dream denotes to the playfulness in you that must be regained.Read more…


It means protection and transcendence. A big castle symbolizes the search for a more spiritual life. If the castle is white, then it shows the desire of a quiet life in meditation and spirituality. If it’s dark, it symbolizes a struggle to emerge from a spiritual confusion. If it’s black, it reflects fear of fate, not reaching salvation. If we talk in a less transcendent sense and everyday life, then it shows that when we see a castle, wealth will be obtained depending on your status. If it is dilapidated but still beautiful, we will have problems while achieving wealth but in the end, we will get it. If we live in the castle, then wealth is assured….Read more…


When you see someone doing magic in a dream, then such dream offers you to take a different approach in some matters of your life, especially if you want to succeed. The black magic in dreams is a bad omen, because its stands for dishonesty and tricks. Perhaps you are willing to get what you need while harming those around you. Consider that mischief is wrong.Read more…


When you dream of seeing ballons it represents your frustration of finding your soul mate, the true love you have been looking for a very long time. It seems that there is a possibility for you life to get completely upsidedown. Keep in mind that ballons also represent pomposity and very high ambitions about yourself. If you saw ballons that are black it signifies sadness and uhapiness you are suffering from, especially if those ballons are becoming smaller and smaller. If you dream of the ballon that is pumping up with the air or becoming bigger and bigger it symbolizes the desperation and your wish to run from those problems away. The other meaning of seeing ballons indicates celebrations, parties and happy time. If you dream of the ballon that has blowed up it shows that there are some circumstances which you have not noticed yet, but it signifies the target you had no idea you reached. Keep in mind that when the ballon blows up it could also show the difficulties you are suffering from. It seems that you are not able to control these emotions anymore and now is the time when they exploded as it is too hard for you to keep them in. If you dream of being in a hot air ballon it represents your need for the relief. Make sure you will try to get over the things that did not let you moving forward. This dream shows you that you do not remain firm on the ground. Seeing ballons could also be a sign from your subconcsiuos mind that is looking for peace and rest. You want to feel the idol to someone.Read more…


If you dream of a black agate it symbolizes health, power and strength. If you dream of a red agate it signifies healthy lifestyle, peace and freedom. This dream shows how blissful, auspicious and wealthy life you are going to have. It also could be a sign of happy marriage, good relationships or new start of your better life.Read more…


To see stones in your dream, symbolizes strength, unity, and unyielding beliefs. Consider the common phrase ”etched in stone” which suggest permanence and unchanging attitudes. Some stones also carry sacred and magical meanings. Alternatively, stones may relate to issues of moral judgment and/or guilt. To dream that you are carrying a bag of stones, refers to your inner strength and fortitude that you have yet to unleash and reveal to others. To see rough stones in your dream, represents your quest in recognizing and developing your self-identity. Part of this quest is to become aware of your unconscious and suppressed thoughts. For various cultures, stones have spiritual significance. Consider the Black Stone of Mecca which is believed by Muslims to allow for direct communication with God. For the Irish, the Blarney Stone is seen as a gift of eloquence….Read more…