birds stuck in hair dream interpretations

Are you ready to uncover hidden and forbidden meanings of your dream about birds stuck in hair? Click and reveal mysterious and secret meanings of dreaming about birds stuck in hair by interpretations of the dream's symbolisms in various cultures.

Short meaning: the dreams of birds stuck in hair may prefigure contentment, amorousness and sympathy.
Complete meanings of the birds stuck in hair dream's symbols

Ears / Armpits / Comb / Stranger / Arm / Mockingbird / Bluebird / Buzzard / Yellow Bird / Lark / Canary / Vultures / Jaybird / Parrots / Chickens / Haircut / Hairpiece / Dying / Barber / Beard / Washing / Cutting /


Ears symbolize communication as a passive organ of hearing. Ear also symbolizes the femininity and the dependence on something. The ears often refer to women who share the life with the dreamer or the owner of the ears in the dream. If we dream of well-formed and beautiful ears that predicts happiness. Badly formed ears mean misfortunes. If our ears buzz we fear others gossip about of us. If we try to cover our ears with a hat, with the hair or any other garment in the dream that reveals the fear that ours sexual desires or our dependence on another person are discovered.Read more…


To have one cut, announcement of the speedy death of a relative or dear friend ; a male, if the right arm is injured, female, if the left. The two arms cut, imprisonment or sickness. The arm broken or emaciated, for a private person, sickness, distress, family affliction ; for a man in office, it denotes public distress, such as defeat of an army, famine, epidemical illness ; for a married woman, separation, divorce, widowhood. Arms dirty; distress. Arms inflated or swollen; riches for brothers or very affectionate relatives. Arms stout and robust : happiness, cure, deliverance. Unfettered and well developed, favors to be received. Harder and more robust than customary ; joy, profit, unexpected wealth from a son or brother. If the dreamer be a woman, increase in the fortune and influence of her husband. Arms covered with hair, acquisition of fresh wealth. Arms covered with sores or ulcers ; sorrow, sadness, loss of time and of money….Read more…


If you saw larks that were flying in a dream, then such dream indicates huge expectations. Perhaps you have a vision of what you wish to achieve. When you see the larks that are falling down, then such dream indicates the desperation which will come unexpected. If you heard the larks in a dream, then such dream promises great professional endeavors. Perhaps you will get the success without much of the effort. If the larks are dead in a dream, then it symbolizes the sorrow and grief. When you kill the lark, then it shows the mistakes you will do.Read more…


The dream, in which you see the parrot, denotes to the talks behind your back. The unconscious mind of yours suggests being careful with those around you. On the other hand, the dream about parrot could indicate the person in your life that irritates and annoys you. Perhaps you should get less of the contact with that certain person.Read more…


If you wore a hairpiece in a dream, then such dream warns you to be aware of the cheaters. Perhaps there is someone in your life that is willing to take the advantage from you. The dream could also show the opinions which are shown as not yours, but understood as ideas of yours. If you lost the hairpiece in a dream, then it shows the confusion you are at the moment. Perhaps you are losing your mind and do not know how to act in a certain situation.Read more…


If you dream of a long and thick beard it symbolizes of intelligence, aging and vision. If you dream of growing beard and you are a women, the dream foretells about your masiuline side. Maybe you wish you ruled the world, had more power, control and management. The dream shows how opinionated and categorical you might be in some mases.Read more…


If you were washing yourself, then such dream could have negative and positive meanings depending on the situation in your waking life and the way you felt during the washing. If you were washing yourself to get rid of all the dirt, then it signifies the negative emotions you are trying to wash away. If you washed yourself and felt well about it, then it shows how happy you are because of all the aspects in your life. If you were washing your car, then it means you are ready to move forward in your life full of energy and potential.Read more…