best friend sleeping with my boyfriend dream interpretations

Are you ready to uncover hidden and forbidden meanings of your dream about best friend sleeping with my boyfriend? Click and reveal mysterious and secret meanings of dreaming about best friend sleeping with my boyfriend by interpretations of the dream's symbolisms in various cultures.

Short meaning: dreaming of best friend sleeping with my boyfriend may foretell snugness, flame and affection.
Complete meanings of the best friend sleeping with my boyfriend dream's symbols

Dispute / Veil (A Worn Is) / Wedding / Fury, Rage / Amazon / Friends / Fir / Fainting / Fir / Anger / Ankle / Cat / Coffin / Blackboard / Back / Appetite / Embracing / Dog / Brain / Celebrities / Grave / Eclipse / Whiskey / Bachelor / Address / Air / Cry / Document / Comrade / Bones /


If in fact we are going through a crisis, dreaming of a friend indicates that the crisis is over. If our real situation is normal, we will see how they are dressed. If they dress better than in reality, it indicates that our friendship is solid. Seeing them untidy or dirty indicates that our friendship is declining. If they appear as they are, we will receive news, their visit or we will meet them.Read more…


If your ankles look normal during the dream, then such dream is a harbinger of happiness, success and satisfaction. Consider, that if the ankles look stunted, wounded or broken, then it means that the arrival of difficulties, setbacks of fortune, illness, and even the disappearance of a relative or close friend is on your way.Read more…


It symbolizes the woman, almost always under a sensual and instinctive appearance. If in a dream we fear being scratched that reveals the fear that our perversions become known. To dream that a cat cuddles us means that a woman will use all its beguiling wiles to get what she wants from us. If we make the cat cuddling to us and then flee away from us, then indicates that she will not achieve her selfish desires. To feed the cat indicates problems and amorous rivalries. If the cat scratches us, means marital infidelity or fights between lovers. To see a cat or hear their meows is an omen of betrayals and deceptions. If the cat is white the traitor will be a false friend. If it’s black it means perfidy from a woman and all kinds of romantic problems….Read more…


Dreaming of being in a coffin means that you should check your own behavior, since the coffin announces various losses, including the death of someone close. This symbol is especially important if the dreamer is praying beside the coffin. Dreaming of a coffin covered with flowers, especially if they are white, inside an illuminated temple, suggests that soon there will be a wedding in the family, but that marriage will fail. Dreaming of lying inside of a coffin, without knowing anything else indicates long life for the dreamer. Dreaming of a coffin moving by itself suggests a serious illness in the family or in the marriage if the dreamer happens to be married. In case you are about to marry, this dream can announce impediments for the wedding. Dreaming of using a coffin as a seat inside the carriage that transports it to the cemetery, it announces major disorders and disease for a relative or friend. Dreaming of watching how a coffin is put into a carriage is announcement of serious problems at home, as well as frequent fights in the marriage or in relationships.Read more…


Dreaming of writing on a blackboard suggests that affairs and business are not going well, with serious risks of failures and losses. Dreaming of just a blackboard indicates that soon there will be problems that were not seen coming. Dreaming that someone else is writing on a blackboard suggests that a family member or a close friend is in poor health and is asking for help.Read more…


It symbolizes physical strength and endurance. If it’s strong, it foretells health. If it’s weak, means illness. If it’s we with a curved back, it’s a sign of sorrow and premature aging. If it’s a friend’s, means that misfortunes will be for him. If it’s an enemy, it indicates that they are powerless to harm us….Read more…


Seeing a doggy in a dream symbolizes joy and carefree nature. It also represents a blooming friendship or that your friendships will grow stronger. Dreaming that you’re looking after dogs, indicates that you’re a trustworthy and loyal friend, especially in difficult times. Dreaming of a dog and petting it indicates profits and lasting friends. Hearing dogs barking anticipates bad news or difficulties. Seeing an angry dog in a dream denotes that you will defeat your rivals. Dreaming that you kill an angry dog means that you will overcome the bad opinions and you will rise up to prosperity….Read more…


The dreams about brains indicate the intelligence of the dreamer. If you saw your own brain in a dream, then it could show the unfaithful friend in your waking life. The transplant of the brain foretells about the new ideas or completely fresh start in your life. When you see the brains that are placed in the jar, then it shows the barriers and limitations you are facing in your waking life. To see the brain of the animal, represents the wariness of those you are surrounded by. The exploded brains indicate the problem that is worrying you a lot in your waking life. Make sure you figure out how to solve these misunderstandings, otherwise you will not have piece of the mind.Read more…


If you dream of the celebrity, then such dream foretells about the ideals you have in your life. Consider what kind of the celebrity you were dreaming of and try to find the features that you wish to imply in yourself. Maybe you are trying to become very important person, therefore you see the celebrity in your dream. If you are the celebrity in a dream, then it could show your desire to be beyond who you are. If someone close to you has become the celebrity, then such dream indicates your fear of losing the connection and relationships with that certain person. The dream about particular celebrity could denote to the obsession you have in your waking life. If you have become friends with some celebrity, than it means you wish to imply those characteristics into your friend you have in your waking life. To get more detailed dream interpretation about your dream, please also see the meaning of Actor or an Actress.Read more…


The dream symbol of whisky bottle indicates that you are very attentive and vigilant person. If you are drinking whisky alone in your dream, then this marks that you are very selfish and egotistical person. You do not share your happiness and achievements with your friend, family member or colleagues. On the other hand this dream symbol of whisky may show your distrust of your own abilities. You are trying to avoid your duty.Read more…


If the air is a gentle breeze, we can expect a quiet time, and if scented is even better. If it is agitated, it portends close danger, and if it is cold, it indicates the loss of a sincere friend. If it’s foggy, it shows us to be cautious. If it’s dark, we will have problems with our superiors. If it is clarified, it is telling us that they were misunderstandings, and everything will be solved….Read more…


If you dream that you’re crying, it suggests transitory joys that will eventually turn into sadness as a result of bad business decisions and problems at home. To dream that a friend or family member is crying suggests that soon someone will ask for your help. To see many people crying in your dream is a warning that a great misfortune will occur and it can somehow affect you. To dream that a few people are crying and wiping their tears suggests that the sufferings of the people that surround you somehow affect you, but this will soon pass….Read more…


To dream that your bones are coming out through your skin suggests that someone, apparently a friend is really a hypocrite who is trying to take advantage and hurt you. To dream about animal bones that are lying in a messy way suggests that you’re living in an unpleasant environment, and to avoid further complications you have to make a change. If you touch the bones with your hands, it announces bad news. To dream about human bones suggests that a person you appreciate will suffer a fatality….Read more…