best friend sleeping with my boyfriend dream interpretations

Are you ready to uncover hidden and forbidden meanings of your dream about best friend sleeping with my boyfriend? Click and reveal mysterious and secret meanings of dreaming about best friend sleeping with my boyfriend by interpretations of the dream's symbolisms in various cultures.

Short meaning: dreaming of best friend sleeping with my boyfriend may foretell snugness, flame and affection.
Complete meanings of the best friend sleeping with my boyfriend dream's symbols

Partner / Making Out / Love / Monk / Lemonade / Keys / Instruments (Musical) / Inventory / Nakedness, Nudity / Organ / Unkindness / Van / Rod / Quakers / Polish / Puppy / Hermit / Girls / Canopy / Chamber / Burial / Blind / Abbot / Arm / Chest / Dead, Death / Friends / Funeral / Ear / Dog /

Making Out

If you are making out with your significant other, then it shows the strong bond between you two. Perhaps you are in a very strong relationship. Alternatively, the dream could show the lack of love and affection from your partner, therefore you are compensating it over the dream. If you are making out with someone you do not like, then such dream indicates the characteristic of this person you don’t like, that are in you either. Try to get rid of them. If you are making out with a friend, then such dream shows your actual liking for that person….Read more…

Nakedness, Nudity

Dream of being naked; poverty, misery, affront, fatigue. To run about naked; perfidious relatives. Be in a bath with a person you love; joy. pleasure, health. To see your wife in a state of nudity; deception, of which you will be dupe. For a woman to see her husband naked, security and good luck in her undertakings. To dream of a female of ill-repute devoid of clothing, means danger to be incurred through the advance of that female. To see one’s friend or servant expose themselves indiscreetly; a quarrel. See a man naked, subject for a well-founded fright. If he be handsome and well-made ; successful trade….Read more…


To have one cut, announcement of the speedy death of a relative or dear friend ; a male, if the right arm is injured, female, if the left. The two arms cut, imprisonment or sickness. The arm broken or emaciated, for a private person, sickness, distress, family affliction ; for a man in office, it denotes public distress, such as defeat of an army, famine, epidemical illness ; for a married woman, separation, divorce, widowhood. Arms dirty; distress. Arms inflated or swollen; riches for brothers or very affectionate relatives. Arms stout and robust : happiness, cure, deliverance. Unfettered and well developed, favors to be received. Harder and more robust than customary ; joy, profit, unexpected wealth from a son or brother. If the dreamer be a woman, increase in the fortune and influence of her husband. Arms covered with hair, acquisition of fresh wealth. Arms covered with sores or ulcers ; sorrow, sadness, loss of time and of money….Read more…


Dream of the chest being hale and sound, denotes health and joy. Hairy and shaggy, to a man gain and profit. To a woman loss of her husband. Enlarged and fattened, long life, a fortune in your older days. Have it pierced by a sword blow at the hands of a friend, bad news should the dreamer be an old man, unalterable friendship should he be a young man.Read more…

Dead, Death

Dream of kissing a dead person, long life. Make one a present loss and damage. See a corpse in a coffin, indigestion. See one dead who is alive and in good health ; annoyances, sorrows, loss of lawsuits. To see one die who is already dead ; approaching of a very rear relative, or a friend, bearing the same Christian name with the deceased. See a dead person who does not speak, this foretells to the dreamer that he has the same passions and the same destiny with the deceased. To see or to speak to one. of your near relatives or friends whom you know to be already dead ; a warning for reformation in conduct, and to introduce regularity into your business matters or other affairs. See one dead whom you believe to be living, proof that you can calculate upon the good of the individual. Dream of being dead ; the patronage of some influential person, riches, long life, troubled only by those envious of you. And buried, sudden death according to some authors, according to others, wealth proportionate to the amount of earth heaped upon you To have business with a dead woman, a love intrigue and favors with a lady of distinction….Read more…


Dream of having the ear wounded or cut, treason on the part of one abusing your secrets confided to him. To have the ears stopped up ; tenacity, headstrongness, domestic tyranny, if the dreamer be in a high social position. For all ordinary individuals, this dream signifies change in sentiment, duplicity, and deceit as regards those placing confidence in him. Clean the ears or to have more than two, friends and faithful servants. To have them filled with grain or wheat, legacy from a’ distant relative. To have ears handsomer or larger than usual, success and brilliant fortune from an intimate friend . To have asses’ ears, servitude for the person wearing them. To have the ears of a lion or other ferocious beast, treason on the part of enemies or those envious of you, whom you believe to be friends….Read more…


Play with a dog, damage. With many, avarice. See white dogs, speedy happiness. Black ones, treason at the hands of friends. See a dog in anger; well-founded fears. Lying down, turpitude, dishonorable love intrigues. Should the dreamer imagine the dog to be his own, the services of a faithful, indefatigable and courageous friend, a trustworthy servant. Should it belong to a stranger, an unscrupulous and infamous enemy, See a dog tear clothing, scandal on the part of a mendacious villan, seeking to ruin him whose garments are torn. Should the clog bite, vexations brought about by enemies. See dogs righting, ambuscades to be avoided. Dogs baying, scandalous publications. Be worried by dogs, a proportionate victory over enemies. Seeing . dogs collecting from all parts, a popular assembly held in the interests of the government, a call for soldiers….Read more…