almost falling off of a high rise building dream interpretations

Are you ready to uncover hidden and forbidden meanings of your dream about almost falling off of a high rise building? Click and reveal mysterious and secret meanings of dreaming about almost falling off of a high rise building by interpretations of the dream's symbolisms in various cultures.

Short meaning: a dream of almost falling off of a high rise building may denote alleviation, ardor and devoted friendship.
Complete meanings of the almost falling off of a high rise building dream's symbols

Laziness / Moan / Maple tree / Light / Museums / Observatory / Map / Palm tree / Magnifying Glass / Learning / Stars / Unicorn / Lark / Throne / Skyscrapers / Power / Parachute / Thermometer / Scooter / Unicorn / Incense / Exam / Collapse / Ship / Skyscraper / Starfish / Stars / Standing / Soul / Son /


Dreaming of being lazy suggests that the dreamer will not be able to achieve what he or she desires, mainly due to carelessness and negligence. Dreaming of friends or family being lazy suggests that something is happening that is preventing them from working normally. When a woman has a dream of being lazy, negligent, etc., it suggests that she is falling into bad habits, which will bring various problems.Read more…


To dream that someone moans suggests that the dreamer will soon suffer if he doesn’t attended his affairs on time, which are falling into the hands of advantageous people who act in bad faith. To dream that you’re moaning suggests that the bad streak that you’re experiencing will soon end and a favorable change will occur thanks to the support of new and sincere friendships….Read more…

Maple tree

Dreaming of a maple symbolizes humility, warmth, and openness. It also indicates increases, positive happiness and fullness of life. Seeing a maple tree falling indicates dissonance and broken family ties. Finding a maple leaf in your dream represents each of the five senses and what it has to offer. Also, denotes a helping or protective hand.Read more…


Dreaming about a constant light of any kind, and better if its sunlight is a good sign that announces a nearby success. To dream about a flashing light is a negative sign that announces relative or temporary success. To dream about a dim light suggests that the issues that are being handled will continue the way they are, without any appreciable change. To dream about light flashes that annoy your view suggests that soon you’ll suffer setbacks and frustrations. To dream about exaggerated lit faces suggests that anything that you’ve thought to do will be made secretly. To dream about an extremely lit sky, without knowing the reason why it is that way, suggests that you’re falling in deep sorrow because you portend a misfortune. To dream about children that are standing under an intense moonlight is a warning that you should control your thoughts and actions to avoid making serious mistakes. To dream about very lit snakes is a warning that dangerous enemies are awaiting an opportunity to harm you….Read more…


Museum usually symbolizes or reveals a person of high level of culture and the capacity to enjoy the little pleasures in life. The richer and better stocked the museum the better the omen of wealth and well-being will be. If it’s abandoned and dusty museum, it is a sign of warning which reveals a state of hopelessness and pessimism….Read more…


To dream that you’re checking a map suggests that after experiencing failure, frustration and setbacks, you’ll experience major changes in your life and perhaps you’ll travel occasionally, what will ultimately benefit you. To dream that you’re searching for a map suggests that you usually struggle with confusion when looking for solutions to your problems. When a young woman has this type of dream, it suggests high ambitions and intent to stabilize her life through an advantageous marriage….Read more…


Seeing larks flying in a dream symbolizes high aspirations. If they fall during flight, then it indicates desperation will appear among your pleasure and joy. Hearing larks singing in a dream indicates success in business. You will find happiness in a change of environment. Seeing a wound or dead lark in a dream denotes sadness and gloom. Dreaming we kill a lark means loss of innocence.Read more…


Dreaming of being a powerful person with a high social rank suggests that this is precisely what is being searched for by the dreamer in daily life, and that he or she is considered to have sufficient capacity and intelligence to be self-directed, but cannot find the right path. This dream is common during youth, when the dreamer has his or her own life ahead and wants to conquer great heights. However, these desires are often turned into big failures when there is over-confidence in the dreamer.Read more…


To have interaction with unicorn in the dream, is a sign of positive outcome in current deals. To encounter or to see a unicorn when you are dreaming, has meaning of superior qualities. Unicorn in the dreams stands as an omen for high ideals, hope and insights with wisdom. Additionally, unicorn also is interpreted as an omen for power, authority, gentleness, spirituality and purity. On the other hand, there can be different explanation. Dreaming about unicorn, may indicate your egoism and communicate as sign of stubbornness or symbol of your one-sided views.Read more…


To dream that you collapse, is symbol of high requirements from yourself. Dream suggest that you are pushing yourself too hard. Maybe you need to rethink your abilities and skills. Have you lost sight of your goals? Try to remember what you need to accomplish. Perhaps you are having troubles in your own judgement and decisions. Do you trust yourself enough?Read more…


To dream of the ship, means that you are able to float with the situation. The dream also shows the aspects of your mind, depending on how old or new the ship is. For example the new ship such as cruise one, indicates the new ideas and pleasant experiences and the old ship would symbolize the old ideas or unpleasant experiences. If the ship was wrecked in a dream, then such dream shows the lost control of your life. Maybe there is a fear of losing whatever you already achieved. To be in a sea or ocean with your ship, signifies the high expectations you have made for yourself or others….Read more…


To dream of the starfish, denotes to two different worlds the dreamer is living, because the star is something very unreachable and high, but the fish is something in the water that also unable to be seen, therefore the starfish is something that is united, but the same time apart as two completely different worlds. Consider to get united these differences and you will be able to adapt in today’s world….Read more…


The dream, in which the one dreams of not having a soul, indicates the state on the dreamer which is helpless. The one is unable to recognize himself as more than a body. The dream could also show that the dreamer is feeling ashamed of himself, therefore he feels soulless. Probably the dreamer has lost the contact not only with himself, but also with those he is surrounded by. Alternatively, the dream may symbolize the high spiritual state of your mind, especially if the dreamer sees his own soul….Read more…


The dream in which you see your own son, indicates the high expectations, young age, the experiences the one has. The dream about the son also shows your attachment to your relatives and what a big importance they play in your life. The one who dreams of the son, but actually does not have one is going through the time of his life when he feels nostalgic about the past, or it represents the youth and manhood that still lies within himRead more…