If you see the tortoise in a dream, then it signifies the need for security and protection. Perhaps you do not feel safe, therefore you are looking for the shelter. On the other hand, the dream could indicate the shynessRead more…
Reveal all secrets of your dreams
If you see the tortoise in a dream, then it signifies the need for security and protection. Perhaps you do not feel safe, therefore you are looking for the shelter. On the other hand, the dream could indicate the shynessRead more…
The dream in which you are tortured, signifies your fears and apprehension towards particular human or situation. Perhaps you feel like you are forced to do some things or unable to make the decisions on your own. On the otherRead more…
To dream of seeing a totem pole, denotes to the requirement of protection. The totem pole is a symbol of force and energy.
To be a tourist in a dream, denotes to the confusion of the dreamer. Probably you feel that you do not know the environment you are in or unable to get along with the surroundings. The feeling of being lostRead more…
If you used the tourniquet in a dream, then it indicates your flexibility to adapt in different atmospheres. On the other hand, the dream suggests you to pay attention to the strong parts of you and fragile ones either.
If you dream of the tower, then such dream indicates the high expectations you have set for yourself. To be on the top of the tower, means that you already achieved what you were aiming for. If you looked atRead more…
If you dream of the toys, then such dream symbolizes youth, unity, consonance and comfort. The dream foretells that you are looking for some privacy, tranquility and security. The dream also indicates your funny and childish side of the personality.Read more…
To dream of being a tracker of some particular person, denotes to the necessity of facing some phases within you. If somebody else was tracking you, then it signifies the carefulness you must to apply within yourself, otherwise you willRead more…
To see or ride a tractor in your dream, represents your If you are riding the tractor in a dream, then such dream indicates the creativity and cleverness you have. The tractor is also a very huge vehicle, which denotesRead more…
If you were trading in a dream, then it denotes to the average luck you will get while dealing with your business.
To dream of the traffic, denotes to obstacles, barriers and walls you will face while getting to the point. You may feel trapped in some situations, however the traffic is not going to stay forever, you will move to theRead more…
If you dreamed of some kind of tragedy, then it symbolizes the fails and disturbances.
The train in a dream symbolizes the flow with the others. You are the dreamer who does things just like everybody else does. The dream, in which you are going on a trip with a train, denotes to the rightRead more…
To dream of being a traitor, denotes to the shame and guilt you are suffering from. Perhaps there are some things you did in the past, that you are not proud of it. If you see a traitor in aRead more…
If you dream of being a tramp, then such dream symbolizes the lack of freedom you are suffering from. Maybe you have to many responsibilities and work to do therefore you feel you need to get escaped. On the otherRead more…
If you were in a trance while dreaming, then such dream shows the spiritual growth you are gaining. Make sure you open up yourself to others not only in dreams, but in reality either.
To dream of transfiguration, denotes to disappeared clearness and truthiness. The dream of transfiguration also implies to deep connection with deity.
To dream of your own transformation, denotes to your ability to adapt on different circumstances. On the other hand, the dream could suggest you to be more flexible when communicating with others.
To dream of the transmission, denotes to the necessity of changes such as getting along with the circumstances you are surrounded by. Probably you are finding it hard to get along with the pace.
If you dream of seeing something transparent, then such dream indicates your ability to see people clearly and be open minded with those around you. The clarity of you attracts people and makes them believe, trust and depend on you.
If you have got the transplant of the organ, then such dream indicates some features in you that are no longer working perfectly. Probably you are trying to make new start of something that is important.
If you dream of being transsexual, then such dream symbolizes the confusion you are suffering at the moment. You are unable to divide the feminine and masculine aspects of your personality, therefore they got mixed up. If you are theRead more…
To dream that you set up the trap for somebody else, denotes to the things in your life you are trying to hold on. Probably the relationship you are in not working anymore, or the job you were doing doesRead more…
To dream of the trapeze, denotes to free lifestyle you are willing to live. Probably you wish to be more thoughtless and free from your responsibilities and control. The dream could also indicate the sexual needs you have such asRead more…
If you travel in a dream, then such dream denotes to the road of your life. If you finished traveling in a dream, then it means that you completed the results you were aiming for. The traveling also indicates theRead more…
If you see the trays in a dream, then it indicates the meaningless wasting of money.
If you dream of the treadmill, then such dream shows the attempt that did not pay off. The dream warns you to stop doing whatever you were doing, because it does not bring any positive results.
To dream of finding the treasure chest, denotes to the exploration of yourself as completely new person. It is also the sign of the treasures you are trying to find within those you are surrounded by. The treasure chest couldRead more…
If you dream of hiding the treasure, then such dream indicates the tendency of yours to think of the future. If you found the treasures, then it means that there are unexplored charisma and gift in you.
To dream of the tree house, denotes to your desire to get way from all of the problems and troubles, especially if you are inside of this house. Perhaps you try to avoid the hard and unpleasant life you haveRead more…