If we use an easel in dreams, it means we begin a period of meditation and reflection.
Reveal all secrets of your dreams
If we use an easel in dreams, it means we begin a period of meditation and reflection.
If they are alive and sneaky, an opportunity we did not count on will present to us. If they’re out of water or dead, it indicates that we have not taken advantage of opportunities.
Fear or concern of ups and downs in social positions, due to outside circumstances from our actions.
Major projects to be started, good news and fortune.
Proof that we let ourselves be influenced by reading or by gruesome or surreal films.
Seeing a leak in a dream means a big loss, it is also a sign of help for you.
Indicates that bad rumors will stop.
Reflect that we are going through a period of moral tiredness, exhaustion and impotence before adversity.
Dreaming about your own eyes represents knowledge, intellectual understanding and recognition. You may get some thoughts which you haven’t been aware of. In dreams the left eye symbolizes the moon and the right eye – the sun. Dreaming that youRead more…
Dreaming that you are in the East means wisdom and spiritual intuition.
It is a warning so that your actions follow the example of honest people around you.
Seeing an elk in a dream represents longevity. The dream could be referring to the elders around you. An elk may also indicate that you can be peaceful.
Maybe your hopes will not materialize.
(see Happiness).
To dream that you’re escaping from a danger is warning that this may possibly happen to you in real life, for example: if you scape from a bad business, an enemies or a diseases, etc. If your not able toRead more…
This dream reflects the anguish of the moment we are living. It reveals weakness and lack of confidence in our own strength.
To visit an exhibition indicates new directions in your activities. To come back from an exhibition augurs disappointment and bitterness.
If they are beautiful and thick, they symbolize a love game. If they are shaved, it predicts mourning because of some acquaintance.
Reflects our desire to go back to our roots.
Fulfilled effort is a sign that with willpower you could overcome obstacles.
Announces a long illness in someone close to you.
To dream that you have lost your job means you will make some useless expenses and that you should pay attention to your expenses. Dream of getting a job means you will have an excellent earnings and luck.
If we ensure an object, it means we are leaning too much on it to succeed, which will not benefit us at all.
To escape from a danger means luck. The kind of danger we escape from will indicate that which we will run away from in reality.
Sentimental or professional hopes are disappointed.
To dream of public shows such as fairs or pantomimes or with an exhibitionist person, and worse if that person lacks of grace, is a warning that an unknown person can scam the dreamer. To dream that you’re a pantomimeRead more…
An unexpected event will make you feel a deep sorrow.
It may be that dreaming of food is because we are following a diet that keeps us hungry but if it is not the case, and we find unpleasant the food that appears in the dream, that can be interpretedRead more…
It augurs sorrows and suffering because of some secret passion.
To dream that you’re being embalmed indicates that you will have difficulties and obstacles.