The dream in which you see the tulips, denotes to the new start of something important. Perhaps you are going to try something new in your life or you found the love of your life, which started to shine.
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The dream in which you see the tulips, denotes to the new start of something important. Perhaps you are going to try something new in your life or you found the love of your life, which started to shine.
The tunnel in a dream is known as the symbol of birth. The process of giving the birth is very much associated with the way the tunnel looks. The dream in which you see yourself going through tunnel, symbolizes theRead more…
The turquoise in dreams is known as the symbol of luck and destiny. Because of the bluish color of the turquoise it is also a symbol of water and air. The one who wears a turquoise as a medallion inRead more…
The one who sees turtles in his dream is going to make the stabile results, because of the slowness of the turtles. Perhaps the things that are done slowly always bring the better results, than those that are done quickly,Read more…
The shore in a dream shows that your emotional state is stable. The shore also indicates the two different stated of the mind, where the conscious and unconscious minds face each other.
If you wore the shorts in a dream, then it means you are willing to be more opened to others. On the other hand, the dream may indicate your childish or youthful attitude towards the others.
To shoot something in a dream, means that you already made a target and aimed to reached it as soon as it is possible. In those cases when the dreamer shoots the other human being, such dream shows the aggressiveRead more…
If you dream of shoulders, then such dream shows the strength, power and balance of the dreamer, especially if they are straight ones. Alternatively, the dream could indicate how tired you are because of the responsibility and duty you haveRead more…
If you see a shovel in a dream, then it shows that you are trying to find who you are and what you are able to do. This time of your life you are in a progress while trying toRead more…
If you took a shower in a dream, then such dream indicates the new beginning of your life, but only in those cases if the water was crystal clear. To be in a shower where the water is dirty andRead more…
If you dream of a shrimp, it means that you are hiding from the outer world. Maybe at this time of your life you try to find the place you could be on your own, because there is a lackRead more…
If you made a shrine or saw one, then it warns you about one thing you pay too much attention on. Make sure you find the balance and divide your time and effort in equal parts.
If you saw yourself shrinking, then it means that there is a shortage of self-trust. You could also feel dull and not interesting person. Maybe someone humiliates you for a long time, therefore you started thinking about yourself on theRead more…
If the one dreams of seeing or wearing the shroud, then such dream denotes to the finish line of something or even death. On the other hand, the dream could indicate the secrets one is hiding or features he has,Read more…
If you saw a sibling of yours, then it means that you have some issues with that certain person which has not been solved yet. To dream of someone else’s sibling, means that you wish to have the features physicalRead more…
If you dream of sibling rivalry, then it shows the anxiety or doubts about who you are. Probably you feel unloved and rejected.
If you dream of feeling sick, then such dream suggests to stop being pity about yourself. The dream could also show that you need to start taking care of yourself, because there are wounds that must be healed. To findRead more…
If you see a sickle in a dream, then such dream indicates how devoted you are to your work.
To see a sidewalk on which you are walking, symbolizes the road one is taking while trying to achieve the goals. Probably you are taking the new way in your life. Consider that if the sidewalk is broken or cracked,Read more…
If you were walking or saw a sideways, then the dream offers you to make a plan and be more directed while getting to your destination.
To dream of the sieve, indicates the power to compare your selections and make a good and clever decision.
To dream of seeing a sign in a dream, means that you need help from others while working on some situation or project. Make sure you interpreter what the sign says, as it will give you more of the clueRead more…
If you put your signature in a dream, it means that you have accepted to do something or willing to agree with the offer that was given to you. The dream warns you that after you put your signature thereRead more…
If you dream of being unusually silent, then it means that you are unable to express your thoughts or feelings. You feel like there is a barrier which does not let you express of how you feel. If somebody elseRead more…
If you wore garment made of silk, then such dream promises you rich and prosperous life you are going to have. It is also the sign of luxury, clarity and purity, therefore the one who wears a silk, has allRead more…
To dream of the silo shows that you are wasting too much of your money. The dream suggests to think about what you are spending on and beware of material temptation.
To dream of the silver indicates the feminine aspects of the dreamer. It is also a symbol of the wisdom and intuition the one has.
To dream of being a singer, indicates the desire to be accomplishes and known for things you have done. The dream may also show that you want to express the emotions you have through your voice. The famous singer thatRead more…
To sing in a dream is a good omen, as it symbolizes happiness, luck and success. The dream shows that you make other people happy while entertaining them with your good mood and vibe. If somebody else sang in aRead more…
To dream of the sink, indicates the way the dreamer sees himself and how able he is to control himself. Probably there is a need to clean some of the negative emotions start all over again everything from the veryRead more…