If we perform juggling successfully we will come out stronger from our current situation. If we fail at performing juggling it means we will fail or have money losses.
Reveal all secrets of your dreams
If we perform juggling successfully we will come out stronger from our current situation. If we fail at performing juggling it means we will fail or have money losses.
It is a feminine symbol. If it contains some good liquid such as wine, oil or clear water it’s an omen we’ll obtain good things. If it contains harmful liquids it’s a negative omen.
If the jug contains good liquids such as water and oil, then it is considered as the good sign. It means that good things will be obtained by the dreamer, whereas if it contains harmful liquids the outcome will beRead more…
Judge or justice is sign that you will have to make a fundamental decision in your life very soon. Be cautious and analyze carefully in order not to make a mistake. Judges also represent integrity and honesty with your actions.
To dream about a judge is a warning that you may be involved in legal and judicial problems. To dream that you’re standing before a judge is a warning in the sense that you’re not handling properly your own affairsRead more…
If we dream that a judge is judging us, the dream shows our anxiety due to feeling insecure about the positive or negative nature of our actions. And if we are the ones who are judging, we are possibly pouringRead more…
A judge represents an authoritative figure in your life and that you feel a need to be controlled by the person who is telling you what to do. Your behavior and what you are doing does not settle with yourRead more…
You must face reality. Concerns.
Dream of a Joshua tree symbolizes spirituality, purity and natural achievement. It also represents strength and courage.
Dream in which you are making a joke denotes that you are not being taken seriously and therefore you feel frustrated. On the other hand, you cannot take the situation seriously. To hear a joke in your dream means thatRead more…
Telling it indicates that moments of happiness are ahead. Hearing it brings sadness and moral loneliness.
Need to communicate with others.
Beneficial change.
Losing it means unnecessary expenses, you should take care of your money. Getting a job means a good run, profits, and earnings.
To see a jigsaw puzzle represents a mental challenge or a problem that you must solve. Missing a few pieces suggests that you are not well prepared to make a good decision. Seeing or doing a crossword puzzle means youRead more…
To dream of jewels suggests that you are enjoying or want to enjoy a comfortable and pleasant life, although the chances of living it, in case you’re not doing so by the moment, are minimal. If such jewels are brokenRead more…
Gold jewelry warns us against pride. Silver is an omen of benefits. Fake jewels warn us against false vanity and presumption. Broken jewels foretell frustration. Worn or dirty jewels mean business problems. To lose them, means problems with our personalRead more…
To see or to wear jewelry in a dream means admiration, protection and caresses. It also symbolizes the pleasure, wealth and ambition. Losing jewelry in a dream means profits and development.
To buy or possess jewelry means prosperous future.
Dreaming about jewels, especially if they are silver, can indicate misery, however, if in the dream, the dreamer sell these jewels, it is a sign of an improvement in business. Buying jewelry, especially silver cutlery, indicates playfulness. Changing silver forRead more…
(see jewels).
See Jewelry.
Dream of a jeweler means unhappy business, lost money, and debts.
It announces something irreparable, although we will not be sorry.
Dreaming of Jesus Christ or dreaming that you have talked to him means long life, ease, overcoming of obstacles, harmony and peace.
Seeing Jesus in a dream indicates that your desires and goals will be observed and verified. This dream may prevent you from a dangerous situation. Talking with Jesus in a dream means joy, happiness and welfare.
If we are believers, it foretells providential help, comfort, increased material and spiritual goods. If we are not believers, it announces evils and calamities unless they speak to us, in which case the dream announces the end of our pains.
Seeing a jester in a dream symbolizes that the little things and hobbies prevent you from paying attention to important things.
Misunderstanding towards you.
To see a jellyfish in a dream represents some painful memories. It can also mean a hidden aggression to a certain person or an unpleasant situation.