Dreaming of feeling nostalgic suggests there are valuable opportunities to make money and to travel, but due to carelessness and hesitation that can be wasted.
Reveal all secrets of your dreams
Dreaming of feeling nostalgic suggests there are valuable opportunities to make money and to travel, but due to carelessness and hesitation that can be wasted.
To suffer a nose injury means the possibility of gossip and whisperings. A big nose means anger, fury, and envy. A small nose is a sign of small problems and annoyances.
To see your own nose in a dream resembles a conscious effort to undertake and reach any objective. The nose represents energy, intuition, and wisdom. On the other hand, the nose symbolizes curiosity to learn more about a current situation.Read more…
For a child to dream of a nose inordinately long reveals the fear that his lies are known. If a child dreams of having his nose bloodied that reflects the punishments and threats of parents and teachers, as much asRead more…
Dream of Northern Lights represents energy, vitality, and renewed youth. On the other hand, it indicates that you know what to do, but you may be too lazy or scared to jump into action. The Northern Lights indicates that theRead more…
Dream of the North Star symbolizes your wisdom, responsibility and clarity of thought.
To dream that you’re in the North Pole symbolizes a journey’s ending or of a situation or relationship. It also indicates that you’re transformation process is over.
Dreaming about the North Pole signifies that a trip or situation will soon come to an end.
Indicates that we are extroverted and we aspire to an elevated spiritual life.
Seeing a noodle in your dream means an incredible desire.
Dreaming about noodles is usually an omen for financial difficulties, family complications and tense emotional relationships. It also indicates the existence of a passionate climate unpropitious for any kind of dialogue, and a lack of understanding.
Indicates a precarious situation.
Hearing a strange noise in a dream indicates a surprise – something unexpected and unknown. The noise could represent a breakthrough in your personal struggles.
Family conflicts, dislikes, love affairs and discord.
Your hopes of achieving a remarkable and honorable social position will be disappointed.
Dreaming of somehow being related to the nobility of a country, suggests that the dreamer has ambitions that are over the top and that they will lead to failure. If a young woman dreams of somehow being related to theRead more…
To see a nimbus / halo surrounding you suggests a deep spiritual growth and progress.
Worries, anguish, fear of life and coping with the daily problems. Relax and you will observe things more clearly.
It could be about a disorder caused by a strong emotion, a fever or illness. If otherwise, we will try to analyze our dream consulting its different contents.
Dreaming that you have a nightmare denotes failures in business, disappointments or health problems.
Unexpected encounter, if it is full of evildoers, your triumph will be definitive.
To walk at night without light is an omen of illness, death, loss, sorrow, dangers or a fatal accident.
To dream about a dark night suggests some major obstacles to achieve your goals. There are some tough issues in your life that aren’t very clear. You must put them aside to clear your mind. Alternatively, night is synonymous ofRead more…
If during the dream night is accompanied by darkness and fear, it symbolizes our fear, anguish and the feeling of an unknown and unconscious danger. Some authors believe that if this dream occurs repeatedly it can indicate an acute senseRead more…
Seeing your niece in a dream represents a certain aspect of yourself that you need to rediscover. On the other hand, it indicates unpleasant information.
Hearing a nickname in your dream, represents your feelings and memories of the person to who that nickname is referred. If the nickname is not familiar, then it may be a pun or a metaphor. To dream that someone isRead more…
To dream a newspaper normally means bad news or scandals, unless we are reading the ads in which case it indicates that we wish to change our social, professional or family situation.
Seeing newspapers in a dream means that you will get new important news and new aspects of a certain situation. Selling newspapers indicates deceits, losses and bad luck. Dreaming of trying and not being able to read a newspaper, meansRead more…
Dreaming of newspapers without being a journalist is a warning that someone will discover what the dreamer is doing, which will create problems. Dreaming of printing or preparing a newspaper announces the opportunity to make new friends. Dreaming of tryingRead more…
Buying or reading it means no founded fears, calumnies and slanders.