Dreaming of bones indicates that there will be troubles and setbacks. It is interpreted as a loss of hope, and it should be noted if the dreamer is entering a period of depression.
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Dreaming of bones indicates that there will be troubles and setbacks. It is interpreted as a loss of hope, and it should be noted if the dreamer is entering a period of depression.
Giving one indicates that there will be difficulties you didn’t expect. To ask for one means a positive change.
Big problems ahead. If we witness a bombing, it indicates we have completed one stage of our lives. If it’s a water pump, it indicates that your problems will begin to solve with support of your friends.
It represents the desire to settle a situation although we do not rule out the possibility of an emergency exit.
It’s a dream that predicts good things. Overall, this dream indicates that projects are being developed in a good way.
Happiness and success if we are able to overcome our doubts and hesitations.
Full and over the fire portends interesting news. Empty and unused indicates lack of security.
Affective joy.
Dreaming about a boiler or any vessel where a lot of steam is produced indicates that the dreamer must work hard before getting the success that is desired. Dreaming of broken and useless boilers or pots announces upcoming failures.
We must carefully analyze what is boiling, but in general it can be interpreted as if we repress our passions or some illusions and projects that teem with force within us. Other authors claim that the dream speaks of creativityRead more…
To boil food in dream announces good health and financial advantages.
Dreaming of one or many of bohemian surrounding you, indicates we often fall in to our passions.
Seeing yourself being dirty, foretells about moral or economic problems. Swollen or too large body indicates increase of goods or power. Thin or too small, loss of health or money. Dreaming of being in two places at the same timeRead more…
Dreamed about our dirty body can be a harbinger of moral problems or fraudulent business. If our body is enlarged but healthy it means increase in goods and estimates. If our body is emaciated it means the opposite.
This dream is related within the mythic archetypes with death, and therefore some authors suggest it as ominous dream. However it can be interpreted following our role in the dream, in relation to the boat. Seeing the boat as itRead more…
Easy and affordable company.
It indicates the end of an era and the beginning of a new one. The message of the dream will be deducted from what happens on the trip. It indicates a change in our lives, but we do not doRead more…
Dreaming of a boat means that a close family member change at work. To see a boat means failure and misfortune.
A good time to change your strategies, and also to plan your affairs more carefully.
The most frequent meaning is of a sexual nature, especially if the dreamers are young. It also symbolizes wisdom and healing power. Seeing a sleeping snake indicates that our instinctual forces are asleep. If it wakes up and wriggles withoutRead more…
When a woman dreams of blushing, then it indicates that someone is creating rumors about her and this will eventually hurt her.
The dream may be talking to you about your desire for harmony and spirituality. Also about a stage of good health as when you look at the clear sky and you breathe deeply and you feel full of energy. However,Read more…
If the dreamer is spiritual in nature, it indicates a greater openness to the spiritual. If we are more materialistic or worldly, this dream poses a threat to our hopes.
If we give blows or receive them they represent problems and passing sorrows. If we receive them without knowing where they come from, after problems we will reach prosperity. If we win, we will succeed in the challenges that awaitRead more…
It indicates you will suffer overlapping and low-level attacks.
You must face events and suffer oppositions.
We must consider whether we are blowing to keep a fire alive, or to put out something, because in the first case it symbolizes our effort to maintain a positive situation alive, which is usually sentimental, but if we areRead more…
To blow the fire express the hope to keep alive the flame of love, an ideal or a friendship. To blow it off denotes to desire and the need to finish a relationship that is being untenable.
Possibility of an unexpected trip.
Announces a new period in life. Happiness.