Dreaming of cakes suggests that there are people around the dreamer who are acting in bad faith. Dreaming of eating cakes announces the presence of fake friends. When a woman is dreaming of baking cakes, it indicates that she isRead more…
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Dreaming of cakes suggests that there are people around the dreamer who are acting in bad faith. Dreaming of eating cakes announces the presence of fake friends. When a woman is dreaming of baking cakes, it indicates that she isRead more…
Preparing cake means gossiping, whisperings, secret pacts with no licit objectives. Eating cake indicates that we must take care of our goods and businesses.
This dream is an omen of good health and small profits.
If during the dream you see or eat the cake, then it’s usually a warning that family sorrows will present themselves.
It shows isolation and limitation. You must think about the reasons why you keep so many things about yourself locked away.
If the cage contains a bird it is a good omen, usually of love or friendship. If it is empty it portends pains of love or lack of it.
Empty cage means strong emotional disorders, strong external pressures that will fill you with fear and bewilderment. Dream of a cage with birds inside means you will come out of certain commitments, letters or delinquent payments, overdue debts.
Bonding the strengthening.
Obligations will modify your projects.
You must go through obstacles without making mistakes.
Contradictions in affairs with family. If we cut the cable, it portends a settlement.
Dreaming about cabins indicates peace at home.
An advice to employ more time on your business enterprises.
You will make business with a disreputable person.
Need for distraction and rest.
If this letter appears clearly in the dream, then it symbolizes the moon. Therefore it refers to all matters of creativity and fantasy.
When the dreamer hears an annoying buzz in his dreams, then it tends to be a warning that he should be careful of someone who is attempting to take the advantage of his good faith and he should take theRead more…
Backbiting, hearsay or unimportant gossip.
New objects, if they are useful, it signifies a period of benefits. Buying an object that we already have, risk of financial difficulties. If we buy clothing, then there is a need of security, comfort. When you buy furniture, thenRead more…
Losing a button indicates waste of money. If we sew it, that portends happiness at home. If they are metallic, it portends invitations. If it is made of gold or silver, excessive spending trend. Wood buttons, success after a lotRead more…
The butterfly symbolizes lightness, inconstancy and recklessness. In another aspect it symbolizes the soul, death and rebirth. To dream butterflies indicates lightness that can manifest itself in love or in business and that will lead us to ruin. The colorRead more…
Dreaming about white butterflies mean that you will receive an unexpected joy. If they are black, that presages disease or mourning.
Success and prosperity, especially if we pour it over our head. If a container filled with butter breaks that indicates misfortune.
To beat or to make butter is a sign that you will have to move quickly to solve certain problems or for the preparation of a certain act, party or ceremony. Dreaming of eating butter means benefits and prosperity.
To dream that you’re eating butter symbolizes joy, good health and desire to work. To dream that your eating sour and bad smelling butter suggests that your health will deteriorate or you’ll experience any loss due to your negligence. WhenRead more…
In older texts about dream interpretation, it can be read that looking at yourself churning the butter in a dream, is a signal that there will be in an inheritance or a birth in the family. Seeing butter in aRead more…
Butter is an omen of easy acquisition of goods and wealth. The more butter more wealth. If on top of that we eat the butter we will have a pleasant added surprise. To churn butter portends a birth or anRead more…
Seeing the butt of a gun announced oppositions and rivalries. Having it, authority to defend your interests.
Your own is a sign of hypocrisy and betrayal. A woman’s butt cheeks indicate repressed desires.