The meaning of this dream depends on the situation we find ourselves in during the dream. If in the dream we find that the curfew is imposed on us, then it usually means that there will be sudden events thatRead more…
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The meaning of this dream depends on the situation we find ourselves in during the dream. If in the dream we find that the curfew is imposed on us, then it usually means that there will be sudden events thatRead more…
If you see yourself curbing the dream may be a reflection of some uncertainty on your part, a fear of going too far or too fast.
You are venturing into amorous intrigues that will not report anything good.
It indicates welfare and professional success.
Dreaming of a cupboard containing clean and well-ordered objects indicates that you live with satisfaction and joy, surrounded by sincere friends. If the cabinet or cupboard appears disorganized and dirty, then it indicates the opposite.
It symbolizes the human heart, love, revelation and life. Toasting with a person, it means you wish to share the pleasure and happiness. To drink from the same cup, it means desire to fuse two lives into one for eternity.Read more…
If you dream of an empty cup, it means illness and difficulties. A full cup means unexpected money and business success. A broken cup means illusions are collapsing and you will face incomplete plans.
Happy emotive relationships.
Filled cup: fortune, economic progress and joy. Empty cup: unhappiness, infidelity and loss. Broken cup: loving breakup, family anger.
Frustrated hopes.
Seeing or eating a cucumber in a dream symbolizes recovery and growth. You must recover your energy and health.
It symbolizes envy, laziness and parasitism. Hearing it sing announces wealth. If we see it, it portends marital problems because of laziness and jealousy.
If it is full of dirty water, then it indicates family problems and trouble. If the water is clean, then it announces family happiness.
It represents the spirit and intellect. It symbolizes wisdom, divination and intuition. To dream of a transparent glass means that our spirit and intellect are clear and clean. It presages integrity and honesty. In a spiritual level, the dream announcesRead more…
If you dream that you’re crying, it suggests transitory joys that will eventually turn into sadness as a result of bad business decisions and problems at home. To dream that a friend or family member is crying suggests that soonRead more…
(see TEARS)
This dream will be valid if we do not have crutches in real life. Crutches represent moral support, and defects of the foot equal to defects of the soul. It is a sign of lack of confidence in our qualitiesRead more…
It might be an omen that you will need support where you least expect it.
Indication that you will received the desired support. Well-being in the family.
Dreaming of walking with crutches or canes, indicates that the dreamer depends a lot on other people and that makes the dreamer feel worthless, which could produce bad results. Dreaming of other people walking with crutches indicates that soon someoneRead more…
Someone will abuse your trust.
Dreaming that we are on a cruise reflects our desire to start a new life stage (ship) and start it with a new love (water).
Problems will be solved. Good sign and happiness.
If we wear it on the chest, it warns of the need to recover our primitive beliefs which we are pushing away. If we see it on the floor, then this dream announces that time has come that we shouldRead more…
Success and prosperity. Good news.
It symbolizes overcoming and triumph. A crown of flowers indicates pleasure. A Crown of oranges represents blossom, engagement. Laurel, triumph. Vine leaf, popularity or sensual pleasure. Ivy crown means secure friendship. Gold crown will bring dignity. Crown made of oakRead more…
Vain hopes and faded projects.
Dreaming of crows announces evil and calamities unless they speak to us, in which case announces the end of our ills.
Disappearance of a loved one.
Financial urges.