Fruitful field
Abundance and prosperity. Affective happiness. Family joy.
Reveal all secrets of your dreams
Abundance and prosperity. Affective happiness. Family joy.
It is interpreted as a desire to diversify your activities, but if you dream of eating it, it can also be a harbinger of future small complications that could be caused at home.
Eat fruit means good luck and executed projects. Rotted fruit means irreconcilable hatreds and jealousies.
Dream of a fruit means upcoming period of growth, wealth and financial income. Dreams about fruit usually represent desire and well-being.
Almost always reveals the existence of some illness.
It indicates small obstacles in your friendships and romantic relations.
It symbolizes the separation between two worlds, between two stages of life. Frontier is also an omen that we are approaching a crucial point of our life in which the orientation of our desires and ambitions will change.
Symbolizes what is disgusting and annoying. Portends an unfortunate and unpleasant neighborhood that we should handle without doing a thing. If see the frog that is making a noise, then it will bring danger of gossip and backbiting.
Dreaming of a frog indicates health and/or spiritual problems.
Dreaming about frivolous people suggests that what you already have, no matter how important it is, does not satisfy you and you refuse to look out for something else. When a woman dreams about other women’s frivolity, it suggests thatRead more…
Announces confusion regarding a situation dominated by other people.
If in fact we are going through a crisis, dreaming of a friend indicates that the crisis is over. If our real situation is normal, we will see how they are dressed. If they dress better than in reality, itRead more…
Dreaming about friends is a sign of having luck in games or pleasant trips.
It symbolizes good or bad economy and forecasting, depending if we see the fridge being full or empty.
If we dream of orderly well-stocked fridge that reveals the good economy and caution of the home owners. If is empty it reveals the lack of foresight and economy. If the refrigerator sinks or is destroyed then our family financesRead more…
Freezing food indicates you will have to face problems.
An omen of success and luck and it’s even possible you’ll make a new friend.
Mistrust the affirmations of your rivals.
When a woman dreams of having freckles on her face it indicates that soon the dreamer will suffer from small problems that will damage her own happiness. If a woman that sees her freckled face on a mirror, it suggestsRead more…
You will suffer financial harm.
To dream that you’re defrauding someone suggests that your not acting properly, either in your social relations, at work, in a business, etc., and that it will eventually cause you trouble. To dream that someone is defrauding you indicates thatRead more…
To dream that you’re acting fraternally with others implies that you want to link your interests with others to expand your social partnerships, and so accomplish something of common interest, for example: in political relations.
If solid, our company will be a success. If it looks weak, our projects will fail.
If we break any object which means servitude or dependence its equivalent to the release of these ties. To dream that a water-filled vessel breaks and pours on the ground indicates the definitive loss of affection. Breaking a sword meansRead more…
Dreaming of suffering a fracture in any part of the body means loss and theft. Fractures are symbols of sadness and disease.
When we are dreaming about a fox or a vixen, then it usually indicates the revelation that some relative is harmful to your ambitions and interests. If the dreamer does not take the necessary precautions and timely action, it isRead more…
To dream of a fox means you have an enemy amongst your friends. If the dream is about killing a fox, you will overcome your enemy.
Moral punishment, disappointments and misunderstandings. Catching a fox means you will let yourself be wrapped in lies or deceits. Fighting against a fox means certain triumph.
Bad omen. Some situation or person in your waking life will be harmful to you except you will be very careful, then you will avoid the negative consequences.
Dreaming of four-bearded rockling fish portends a loss without pain.