the dream telling us about our desire to get rid of old friendships or habits. The dream could also telling us about false friendships.
Reveal all secrets of your dreams
the dream telling us about our desire to get rid of old friendships or habits. The dream could also telling us about false friendships.
Dreaming of a grindstone is an old symbol of constant concern. Dreaming of working with a grindstone indicates that the dreamer must have persistence in order to achieve whatever he or she desires. Dreaming of sharpening tools on a grindstoneRead more…
It means disorder in your personal or professional life and family affairs.
To grind anything means tragedy close by. Be careful in your daily tasks.
If we spin it while grilling the meat, it means servitude if we are rich. If we are poor, it means enjoyment. If we only place it on the grill represents an easy and well-paid job. When we only seeRead more…
It symbolizes impediments and obstacles and depending on the strength or the material of the gate, we will have the code to determine the nature of these difficulties.
Quick of decision and action, fickleness of feelings.
Reveals fear, anxiety, depression, inertia, indifference and pain. All those dreams that we see wrapped in a gray mist belong to the deep layers of the unconscious and reveal everything that refuses to come to light and which are ourRead more…
Everything that appears imbued with a gray hue in our dreams is interpreted as those fears and anxieties that refuse to come to light. It is the color related to the deeper layers of the unconscious.
Presupposes an upcoming meeting with the person we greet.
Joy in the heart and peace in the spirit.
The dream means sarcasm, mockery or laughter from a person who is inferior to the dreamer.
The green color, in dreams, as in everyday life, is a symbol of hope and continual nature regeneration, indicating happiness and prosperity. However, we must be cautious when associating it to a jungle, as it means that serious dangers ofRead more…
It symbolizes life, hope and immortality. It also symbolizes the poison and death. When in a dream everything is surrounded in snow and cold, or everything is surrounded in barren desert and in these circumstances you see something being green,Read more…
Getting to the top indicates success in your activities. Not being able to climb it, bad luck and frustration.
Return to calm, beneficial rest. Peace of spirit and heart.
It announces multiple difficulties.
Dreaming with undertakers who do not take care of their work foretells the death of someone you know who will bequeath their property to you.
It symbolizes problems and difficulties often created by ourselves and our behavior. If we see the pit in time it indicates that we are still able to avoid the looming danger. If we jump over we will be able toRead more…
Loss of goods, loss of close affection or death.
Friendships will disappoint you.
This landscape is characterized by the absence of limits and when it appears in our dreams it symbolizes the desire of freedom and unlimited space that favors our personal development. Some authors consider that it is a harbinger of wealthRead more…
Symbolizes devastating disaster and the moral or spiritual torment.
If we are lying on the grass and enjoying, it’s a warning that we are wasting our lives in unnatural ways. It is a promise of hope and freedom. If the grass is dry it’s the dream of the defeated,Read more…
If we are lying on grass or surrounded by it, the dream speaks of our desire for freedom and natural life. If in addition to the grass around us, we recognize medical herbs, the dream will be a good omenRead more…
Harmonious relationship with children. Responsibilities growing in importance.
Dreaming of grass and green leaves of other plants on the ground indicates reconciliation, inner peace, and the ability to solve problems. Dreaming of wilted or withered leaves or dry grass suggests that the opportunity of succeeding has been lost.Read more…
If we dream them in clusters, then it symbolizes fertility, marriage and sacrifice. It is a dream that always promises all kinds of material and spiritual satisfactions.
Dreaming about harvest predicts a period of wealth and profit. Efforts that are made will be greatly successful. It’s highly probable that living conditions and financial resources will improve favorably. Family and affective joys will come along with moments ofRead more…
You are looking forward to harvest time, because you sense that it will be fruitful, after the effort that you have made.