Blow Dry When you dream of the blow drying the hair, then it shows that you are getting rid of your negative emotions. The dream could also indicate something you that made you feel very surprised.
Blow Dream of receiving a blow from a stranger, domination, profit, good news. Receiving a blow from an acquaintance, a small service to be rendered by that person.
Blow To blow the fire express the hope to keep alive the flame of love, an ideal or a friendship. To blow it off denotes to desire and the need to finish a relationship that is being untenable.
Blow We must consider whether we are blowing to keep a fire alive, or to put out something, because in the first case it symbolizes our effort to maintain a positive situation alive, which is usually sentimental, but if we are blowing to put out something, we need to be aware of the object that we are blowing on because it…