Beasts To see them run, bitter sorrows. To be pursued by them, offense on the part of enemies. To hear them speak, sadness. To speak to them approaching evil. To argue with them (above all, should they have four feet), suffering, infirmity.
Beast If you dream of a beast it represents silyness and arogance. If you dream of the beast that is without the face or the face is covered it symbolizes the fears you have or maybe not taking responsibility for something that should be done. Otherwise you are informed about all the circumstances that can be caused. There is a possibility…
Beast Dreaming of a beast is a distorted reflection of our conscience, because that accuses us of something wrong that torments us. If it is a terrifying beast, this dream reveals to us that we are still tied to children's fears and guilt complexes. If the beast is tempting, it reflects mistrust in ourselves and fear our weaknesses. A conciliatory and…