Hammer dream meaning
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- Hammer Dreaming about a hammer is interpreted as a symbol of personal development. This dream means power, strength, virility, and masculine attitudes. It also symbolizes growth and construction. Dreaming that you are using a hammer signifies successful accomplishment in a task at hand. Alternatively, it suggests that you may be dealing with old demons and inner battles.
- Hammer It symbolizes an issue, work or business that will be beneficial after using it for a long time.
- Hammer Like other working tools, this symbolizes a task that will bring us some sort of advantage after having worked hard.
- Hammer To dream about one or more hammers symbolizes some tension or nervousness due to your need for ensuring your material goods. This dream usually occurs when you are suffering health issues, and that is the main reason why you need to act firmly.
- Hammer Your work will be amply rewarded. To dream you hurt a finger with a hammer means fatal disappointment.