playing holi dream interpretations

Are you ready to uncover hidden and forbidden meanings of your dream about playing holi? Click and reveal mysterious and secret meanings of dreaming about playing holi by interpretations of the dream's symbolisms in various cultures.

Short meaning: the dream of playing holi can demonstrate pleasure, inclination (desire) and league.
Complete meanings of the playing holi dream's symbols

Accordion / Bugle / Sports / Ball / Banjo / Ace / Whipping Boy / Ball / Billiards / Tambourine / Bell / Cards / Billiards / Bowling / Bowling / Cat / Playground / Chess / Piano / Park / Play / Skull / Toy / Little boy, Little girl / Horns / Dice / Basketball / Guitar, Violin / Harp / Checkers /


To hear the accordion playing, symbolizes that the joy and the luck you had is becoming not so joyful and you could get depressed in your near future. If you see yourself playing the accordion in your dream, this could be the warning that you are not as healthy as you used to be. Make sure if you are rested and do not have any physical ailment. If there is someone playing accordion on the stage it could be the meaning of unexpected invitation to a party. If someone plays the accordion, this symbolizes the luck you will have without anyone helping you around. When you see that you are taking the lessons or someone is teaching you how to play accordion, this could be the sign of not trusting the man in your life, as this person could be the one, who is taking you away from succeed you were going to receive.Read more…


The dream in which the dreamer has been playing sport games, indicates the ability to do certain things, desire to work hard and athletic features. The dream also shows your ability to get in contact with others and make the agreements. On the other hand, the dream could indicate the hard sexuality desires you want to express. If you see other teams playing a sports, then such dream indicates two different viewpoints that you confronting or witnessing.Read more…


When you dream of playing with the ball it represents fulfilment. The other meaning of this dream could represent you connecton within your subliminal world. If you dream of seeing others playing with the ball, it shows that you should not be afraid to take the lead in various situations in your life. This dream shows that you do not trust yourself and afraid to take risks. Make sure you pass this barrier, try to act without thinking of consequences and only then you will be able to be bravier.Read more…


If you were dreaming of playing a banjo it represents joy and happiness you will receive from your friends, family and the ones you love. If you saw the others playing banjo it denotes of an escapade. Alternatively, very soon you will meet somebody you realy like and this will turn into very beautiful love story. Prepare yourself for amazing love journey, as it will bring joy and happiness for both of you.Read more…


The bowling in dream represents your achievements, tasks and loses. If you have done many strikes in a dream, then it shows the great accomplishments you get in your waking life. The dream suggests you to keep doing in whatever you are doing, because you took the right path and everything will go according to plan. If the game doesn’t go well, then it means you are doing the wrong things in the life. The dream in which you are bowling a gutter bowl, suggests making some variety in your life. You should know that sometimes things don’t go the way you wish them to be and it’s not a bad thing, because the losses and misses make us stronger and better for the future. Perhaps the routine has made the negative aspects in your life. Consider that the bowling in dreams could also symbolize the sexual desires you have, but are unable to express. The strikes are the positive expressions which could be interpreted as successful intercourse where you or your partner reached the orgasm. Make sure you pay attention in how you feel while playing the bowling game, because it reflects to your feelings and emotion in your waking life….Read more…


If you see the cat in your dream, then such dream represents unfaithfulness, disadvantage and betrayal. The cat could also have a very positive meaning especially if the dreamer is the lover of the cats, then the dream would indicate the comfort, love and friendship. If the cat is aggressive, then such dream shows the issues with your feminine aspects that must be solved immediately. Cats in dreams could also represent the sexual desires the one has. Perhaps the lack of sex reflects in your dreams. The kittens in dreams have a positive meaning, because it symbolizes childishness, purity and innocence. Consider that it is very common dream for pregnant women, because it shows the instincts to care for the innocent little creatures. The cat that is black denotes to secret and hidden aspects of the individual. Perhaps the dreamer is out of touch with the reality he lives in. The dream, in which the cat bites you, shows that you to tend to take a lot, but do not give back enough. The white cat in dreams shows the troubles you will face in near future. If you see many cats at one place, then such dream shows the big amount of illusions. Perhaps you do not see things clearly. If you see the cat that is dead, then it means you are trying to get some privacy and independence for your life. The dead cat could also show that you avoid meeting the feminine aspects of yourself. If the cat has scratched you, then it means you are afraid of something in your life. The cats that are playing in a dream denotes to the playfulness in you that must be regained.Read more…


When you are playing on the playground in a dream, then it shows your wish to get away from your daily life. Perhaps you have too many duties and responsibilities that must be fulfilled. Make sure you find some time for yourself. Alternatively, the dream might be the suggestion to loosen up and become more relaxed instead of being so tough and serious. Life is not only about the work, duties and boredom, it is also fun!Read more…


If you have the skull in your hands, it can be interpreted as an exaggeration of the own penalties, and it would be worthwhile to analyze your tendency to theatricality. If you see yourself playing with the skull, it indicates a great inner strength, with which you can count to overcome the sufferings that surround you.Read more…


Dreaming of hearing a horn sound, hints that you will soon receive good and pleasant news. Dreaming of a broken horn indicates bad news, perhaps because of an illness or an accident. Dreaming of children playing with horns suggests tranquility and joy at home and in social relationships. A young maiden who dreams of blowing a horn and trying to make it sound insinuates that she yearns to crystallize her marriage.Read more…


The dream, in which you see yourself playing a basketball, shows that you are the person who gets the better results while working in a team. If there is certain work that needs to be done, then the basketball indicates how you are seeking for the support in order to achieve the results. The dream, in which you play the basketball game, could also suggest you to start doing something instead of only thinking about it.Read more…


Dreaming that you hear the melancholic notes of a harp, indicates some things, that you have been enjoying (business, entertainment, pleasure, trips or just good luck), are coming to an end. Dreaming of a broken harp indicates the end of joy, for example, between lovers, perhaps a painful and difficult illness, either of your own or of family member; it may also mean making some mistakes in your political or social relationships. Dreaming of playing a harp indicates that the dreamer is overrated, so he should be a bit more humble, since that can lead to serious failures and frustrations.Read more…


Playing on a board, either chess or checkers can be interpreted as the feeling of being immersed in a situation where, as in the game, in addition to our decisions, chance and the actions of others intervened. It indicates uncertainty, insecurity, but nonetheless for the correct interpretation of this dream it will be very interesting to observe the sensations we have while we dream, and the person we face in the game.Read more…