mold on walls and ceiling dream interpretations

Are you ready to uncover hidden and forbidden meanings of your dream about mold on walls and ceiling? Click and reveal mysterious and secret meanings of dreaming about mold on walls and ceiling by interpretations of the dream's symbolisms in various cultures.

Complete meanings of the mold on walls and ceiling dream's symbols

Mold / Mold / Ceiling / Ceiling, roof / Mold / Walls / House, villa, pavilion, shelter / Mop / Mop / Water / Lime / Wall / Celibacy / Bedbugs / Bathroom / Moss / Thistle / Traffic / Tin / Bondage / Wallpaper /


When you dream of the mold, then such dream represents the things in your life that you are not using anymore. Perhaps you do not need them or think there is no space for them. The mold in a dream could also indicate your spiritual incensement. If the mold is broken in a dream, then such dream suggests you to take new advantages of the life and prepare yourself for new proficiencies.Read more…

Ceiling, roof

If the dream is depressing we can say that it has a negative interpretation of closure and involution. If it is an optimist dream, then it indicates security and protection. Also, if the roof is assimilated in a dream, then it shows that what will happen to this roof that is what going to happen with our lives. Sometimes it reveals some incipient mental disorder that should be monitored….Read more…


If you dream of seeing a wall while dreaming, then such dream symbolizes the barriers, limitations and obstructions. The dream suggests you to take a better look of what you are surrounded by. You must understand that there are no limits of what you can achieve. If you demolished the wall, then it means you started to get your way through the barriers that have been set up for you. If you build the wall, then it shows the limitations you have set up for yourself and now you are unable to get things sorted. If you were hiding behind the wall, then it denotes to your shy personality. Perhaps you wish to get what you want, but afraid because of your shy attitude. If someone has shoot at you through the wall, then you should prepare for things are unexpected.Read more…

House, villa, pavilion, shelter

It symbolizes our being and personality. The front of the house symbolizes the outside of the dreamer and the interior of the house, intimate life. Dining room and kitchen represent food and digestion. Bedroom indicates rest and sex. Bathroom – physical and moral cleanliness. Upper floors represent head and mind. Warehouse indicates the subconscious. Doors represent access to our soul. An old, dilapidated house symbolizes an antiquated condition of life and thought. A floor or ceiling that sinks symbolizes collapse of the ideals and principles….Read more…


When a man dreams that his wife is mopping floors or cleaning walls, it announces that he’ll experience shame, sorrow, unavoidable commitments, which puts him at risk of becoming a victim of blackmail. In case the man is the one who is mopping, the dream will mean the same. In both cases, if the mop appears broken, it usually suggests upcoming hardships and failures due to social relationships or emotional problems….Read more…


When a man dreams that his wife is mopping, washing floors or walls, then it announces that he will suffer shame, sorrow, unavoidable commitments, which will put him at risk of becoming a victim of blackmail. It is the same meaning in the case if it’s the man who handles the mop. In both cases, if the mop appears broken, then it represents approaching hardships and failures due to social relationships or emotional problems….Read more…


Water in language of dreams is very significant, it symbolizes life, feelings and the inner life of people. When the water is clear and clean, it announces such a long and happy life as our feelings. Mineral water symbolizes convalescence, health improvement. Holy water means physical and spiritual health. If the water is dirty or stuck, it usually presages disgrace and misfortunes of moral character. If water comes bitter, shady or yellowish, it predicts disease. Tainted means living with anger in your body. Reek, it means misappropriated goods. Stuck, it means loss of freedom. Blackish, it means unhappy marriage. Receiving water in a container indicates health. Receiving water without drinking it and store it indicates greed. If we bring water to another home and receive money, we are actually selling our honesty and purity. If we bring it without charge, it shows mercy and religiosity. Rainwater presages an abundant harvest unless it soaks the earth and disappear quickly, then it indicates loss of property and humiliations. If there are leaks in a house without rain, it announces mourning in that house. If it is just a leak, it means suffering and danger for the dreamer. If water runs through the walls, it indicates mourning relatives or friends. Seeing water flows inside a property of the dreamer, it announces great material prosperity accompanied by good feelings. Walking on water tells us we are going through a dangerous period. If we sink, we are in great danger. Seeing a lot of water stirred by strong waves indicates sorrows, if it reflects ourselves, it clearly indicates that we will achieve wealth, and if it reflects us more beautiful than we really are, it means we will find love in others. Drinking cold water presages health; and cold, disease. Taking a cold water…Read more…


To tear it down or skip it manifests the desire to change things that are challenging us into a favorable situation for us. If we are inside the walls that means we are protected and isolated from external dangers. If it plummets when we are leaning on it, then it indicates that we have little confidence in our protections. If it’s in ruins that reveals fear and despair….Read more…


When you dream of bedbugs, it represents your irritation at some people or situation. Consider that the dream could also indicate sickness or disaster. If you dream of seeing many bedbugs, there is a possibility of the death. When you dream of dead bedbugs it symbolizes unlucky and unfortunate process at some aspects of your life. If the bugs are climbing up the walls it might indicate some kind of disease.Even thought it is the ilness that the dream represents, but you should not be affraid of it, as it will not affect your life. Usually the bedbugs represents unpleasant phases, bu tas we know: there are ups and downs when walking through journey of life.Read more…


If you dream of being in a bathroom, refers to your natural encourage. There is a possibility that you feel you wished you could release all your thoughts and emotions. The other meaning of this dream could also symbolize rebirth of your subliminal. The dream is a signal that you have to ”wash away” all the negativity, troubles and disappointments. If you dream of being in a public ladies’ or men’s room without walls or any other barriers it denotes that you feel the lack of privacy or not getting enough space to your own world. It might be that you even afraid to be criticized for your views and thoughts, that is why you keep holding everything back. To dream that you are looking for bathroom, but can not find it, foretells that you are struggling when expressing our feelings….Read more…


If you see the tin in a dream it could represent your closeness or openness depending on the state of the tin. If the tin is opened, then it means you are ready for new experiences and ideas. If the tin is closed then it means you are not letting the newness in your life. Perhaps you made some walls from the outer world.Read more…


The bondage in a dream, shows the factors of your personality that are made suppressed. Perhaps you are feeling that someone has made the boundaries and walls for you. Try to remove those negative barriers which have made you feel bad. On the sexual note, the dream indicates the unfounded sexual senses which you wish to know better. Try to listen to your inner body.Read more…


If you dream of the wallpaper which you are applying on the wall, then such dream indicates the limits you have made to others. Perhaps you wish to keep many things in private and show only part of your life. The dream could also indicate the things you are hiding or keeping as a secret. The wallpaper could also indicate the renewal in your inner self or outer self. Maybe you are making magnificent changes in the way you look or act. Make sure you pay enough attention to the color and style of the wallpaper, as it would give much more explanation about your dream. If you ripped the wallpaper from the walls, then such dream indicates changes in your waking life or the anger you are suffering from….Read more…