The wrinkle on the face indicates wisdom and experience. Also this dream shows you ability to learn from past events and to use it for the future.
Reveal all secrets of your dreams
The wrinkle on the face indicates wisdom and experience. Also this dream shows you ability to learn from past events and to use it for the future.
The wardrobe in a dream shows the self-trust and confidence the dreamer has. The wardrobe is also the symbol of your presentation to others. Sometimes the symbol of wardrobe shows the changes phases in your life or personality.
The water in a dream symbolizes the subliminal mind of yours. The big part of the brain are made from water, therefore it is one of the most important things we have to use for living. The water in dreamsRead more…
If you are weeping in the dream, this denotes your sorrow and unhappiness that you have in your real life. Maybe you hold them deeply inside and that is why they appear in your dream. You mustn’t keep negative feelingsRead more…
When you hear a whistle in the dream, then it is a warning. Somebody wants to pay your attention to important things that are happening in your life. Also this may be a sign that you have finished something importantRead more…
The dream in which you see the wood could show the spiritual and vital aspects of your personality. On the other hand, the wood may show the apathetic you feel in all aspects of your life. The dream may showRead more…
To dream your own wrist, this dream signifies your ability to join two different things – joy and work. You are very hard working person, but you never forget to make a joy from a hard work. And such aRead more…
If you heard the wail in a dream, then it denotes to the sorrow and sadness you will suffer. To dream of yourself wailing, denotes to the emotions you have released during your sleep. Perhaps you were holding the negativeRead more…
When you dream of the warehouse, then such dream represents the emotions and qualities that have been located. The warehouse could also denote to the memories the dreamer has from the past. If the warehouse is empty, then it suggestsRead more…
If you are water skiing in the dream, then this indicates the growth of spirit and soul. You will become more self-confident and will begin to trust yourself as a strong and prosperous person. This will bring you joy andRead more…
If you dreamed of a weevil this symbolizes losses and misfortune in career or false and untrue love.
When you are in a wine cellar in your dream, this denotes your knowledge and acquaintance with bad and good things in your life.
If you are writing something in your dream, this dream marks your communication with a person or even with your inner world. You are writing something important so it means that you want to find the solution of a problemRead more…
If you dream of the waist that is larger than normally, then it indicates the cozy life. If the waist is abnormally small, then it denotes to the losses of some projects or affairs. The waist that is small couldRead more…
When the dreamer feels the warmth while dreaming, then such dream indicates the joy the dreamer has. The warmth in dreams also symbolizes unlimited love and expectance.
The waterbed as a dream symbol stands for acceptance of feelings and the recognition of own thoughts and attitudes. This is a period in your life which lets you to know unconscious and the signal it sends. You will beRead more…
In the dream you weigh something, this means that you try to evaluate and discover its worth. You have to consider what kind of importance this thing has to you which you saw and weighed in the dream.
You are dreaming that you are whitewashing, this denotes that you are trying to change and to get rid of all your bad habits in order to create new clean personality. On the other hand this may be only theRead more…
When you dream of a wooden shoe, this dream is not so positive, it is connected with painful inner feelings. The symbol will bring you loneliness and infidelity from your loved person.
The waiting as the symbol in dreams could be interpreted as the negative and positive omens, depending on the circumstances of your waking life. Try to figure out how you were feeling in a dream as it would give muchRead more…
If you heard the warning in your dream, then such dream shows the issues in which the consideration must be paid. The warning that has been given to you also shows the things that must be reconsidered. If you wereRead more…
The dream symbol of waterfall expresses the freedom, the ability to let out all of the negative emotions and feelings that are inside you. This will help you to clear your thoughts and make new goals or desires. The waterfallRead more…
The dream of a well indicates your qualities. You have lots of hidden talents, skills which are buried deep inside. This is a sign that it is a time for you to show and to use them all. The dreamRead more…
The dream symbol of a glass of wine denotes pleasure and satisfaction in person’s life. On the other hand this may be a sign of a pregnancy. A broken wine glass has a very negative and unpleasant meaning, it indicatesRead more…
The dream in which you are awakening denotes to the duality of your mind. Perhaps you are feeling lost and not sure of what is real and what is fake. The dream could also symbolize the desire to get helpRead more…
The dreamer that has received the warrant is going to deal with some essential issues. Make sure you noticed the type of the warrant that has been given to you. If you were given the warrant of the arrest, thenRead more…
The dream of a watermill stands for motivation and growth. You must be wise, obstinate and keep your opinion when you use assets and possibilities which are given to you. You have to understand clearly your aims and reach themRead more…
If you dream of a werewolf this denotes that something is wrong in your life. Perhaps you repress your anger, fear and all the other negative emotions. In the dream you are a werewolf means that negative emotions damage andRead more…
In the dream you are a widow, then this dream symbol denotes that you feel lonely and unhappy in your real life. You think that you are isolated from the social life. The positive side of this dream is thatRead more…
In the dream to have wings, means that you are very pure and sensitive person. Also this dream shows that you wish for protection from above in order to avoid stressful situations in your life. The other meaning may beRead more…